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  1. P

    Can a judge that makes a Donation to the Democratic party give a Trump supporter a fair trial?

    My guess is many people on this forum assume that a judge that makes a donation to the democratic party could not give a Trump supporter a fair trial , but I would like some confirmation
  2. P

    Did Ben Shapiro Try to imply that people that deny Biden won are just a dangerous as Marxists?

    Ben Shapiro seems to have repackaged his attack on Marxists He is now attacking conspiracy theorists that claim they will easily fix a problem A big change is that he says the problem affects BOTH sides of the aisle An he specifically attacked people that hide behind the claim "I'm just...
  3. P

    Poll: Hillary's reaction to 2016 is just and bad as Trump's reaction to 2020 ?

    I am fairly sure many Trump supporters on this forum are not living in what I think is reality. Which means I cannot really communicate with them if at least one of us has no grip on reality I would argue that Trump's reaction (actions and deeds) to the 2020 election was worse than Hilllary's...
  4. P

    Has there been a massive drop in articles defending Trump

    Is it just me or has there been as drop in the Articles that gave specific counter arguments to specific attack add against Trump for example FACT CHECK: No, Trump Did Not Tell People To ‘Inject Themselves With Disinfectant’ Or ‘Drink Bleach’ I think the drop in the articles has caused a drop...
  5. P

    I initially thought Trump would have prevented the Horrible attacks in Israel

    I initially thought the horrible attacks in Israel would not have happened if Trump was president. But I cannot back that up at all I think I was brainwashed by Ben Shapiro and Dennis Prager. The Abraham peace accords basically have nothing to do with Hamas as far as I can tell.
  6. P

    News articles and forum posts that claim "Trump is Great" and "the people attack trump are crazy" are much rarer now

    Sorry I want to check if it is just me or has there been a massive shift on these forums and in right wing media. There are plenty of people attacking the Bidens. But less people are singing Trump praises. And less people arguing that people that attack Trump have been brainwashed All of...
  7. P

    Is it strange that Fox News and the Daily wire say Hunter is the son of the president?

    I find it strange that Fox News still mention Hunter is the son of the president even though they mention his name multiple times a day It is sort of like saying Hunter Biden is the son of the president of the United States of America a country mainly in North America with 50 States
  8. P

    How do I support Christian parents rights AND not support the people that use the term "cultural marxist"

    I really should be more supportive of Christian parents that want to tell their children that sex is a special gift from God that lets people procreate and people that people that focus on sex as "being just for fun" can be become addicted to porn and have unfulfilling lives. However people...
  9. P

    globalist cultural marxist conspiracy ??? huh???

    I have problems with the globalist cultural Marxist conspiracy. People that talk about globalists wanting one world government Do you personally know anyone who wants one world government ? I would say no. People talk about cultural marxists being sneaky and hiding the fact that they are...
  10. P

    the Mar-a-Lago raid was "good" if Trump was iactually showing attack plans to people without clearance

    Many were outraged by the FBI of Mar-a-Lago , However if Trump was actually showing attack plans to people without clearance I would argue the raid and indictment are "good" because they would be the only way to stop Trump doing the wrong thing. Counter arguments welcome.
  11. P

    Hypothetical: If Hillary never had an unsecure email server but Trump did, would Trump would be prosecuted?

    Hypothetical: If Hillary never had an unsecure email server but Trump did, would Trump would be prosecuted? I think the answer is yes because the DOJ is too aggressive when it comes to Trump.
  12. P

    Drag queen story time is worse than ads for hyper sexualized reality tv shows?

    If I was a child, the message I would get from ads for Hyper sexualized reality TV show is that it is really fun to sleep around and to fantasize about sleeping around. Such ads are common, My question is drag queen story time more of a problem or not ? Why ?
  13. P

    if you hacked Hunter's emails why WOULDN'T you do deceitful things to a laptop to share the emails.

    Hypothetical : if you hacked Hunter's emails why WOULDN'T you do deceitful things to a laptop to share the emails. Suppose you hacked Hunter's emails and you want to share them to the public and you don't want to get into trouble for hacking Hunter's why wouldn't you get a laptop, download...
  14. P

    What comments did Trump make about Judges in his Jan 6th 2021 speech?

    What comments did Trump make about Judges in his Jan 6th 2021 speech?
  15. P

    what is the best tactical decision for Trump? Participating or avoiding republican primary debates. ?

    Trump is definitely the best tv show ever. I would like a Hypothetical discussion about what are the best tactics for the Trump campaign, you can discuss whether he is good or bad in other threads I heard a theory that Trump will avoid debates this time because they will only hurt him Many...
  16. P

    Ted Cruz caught being dishonest about the so called "stolen election.

    the troubling thing is that I sure that the typical trump supporter is not aware that crazy claims were thrown out of court because they were crazy the typical trump supporter thinks that the court cases were thrown out of court because the judges were corrupt
  17. P

    EDIT: Please tell me why Fox should have let Trump on the air on Jan 6th before the we love you go home speech

    To me, the following incident suggests Trump has a severe character flaw, but it seems many think otherwise, please explain. Trump did call up Fox News on Jan 6th and asked to be put on air before his "the election was stolen but go home we love you" message In the Dominion Court case , Fox...
  18. P

    old news: Some poll watchers complaining about election irregularities made a crazy RICO claim against Dominion

    old news but it is relevant to overzealous people prosecute trump like Bragg have a lot to answer for Obviously plenty of investigations into to Trump are reasonable and Trump himself has a lot to answer for (To quote Dershowitz the main pro Trump lawyer all the Trump supporters on this forum...
  19. P

    Fox news has become pro Ukraine , Are they trying to attack Trump indirectly

    Fox news would lose many viewers it they attacked Trump directly But they seem to have decided to attack Trumps Ukraine policy. My guess is that they think Trump will turn against them eventually so they still want an alternative China-Russia in a strategic partnership to remove the US as...
  20. P

    Trump polls and Fox ratings up but the battle against Trump's Dishonesty is working

    6 years ago I was shocked Trump blatantly claimed he won the popular vote by millions of votes and Trump supporters called anyone who doubted this "brainwashed" and they were proud of this behavior The same thing happened two years ago with Sidney Powelll. Recent events have not actually...