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  1. P

    Theologians to ask Pope to suspend limbo

    I know you guys will find this news story interesting: Here is how the news article starts: VATICAN CITY (Reuters) - Limbo -- the place where the Catholic Church teaches that babies go if they die before being baptized -- may have its...
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    Who is the King of the North?

    Here is a copy of an email I received from a good friend of mine. I thought you might find this informative if you are interested in prophecy (this is the "short" study): Who is "the king of the north"? Some insightful Bible students noticed, the proof lies in the obvious identity that exists...
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    Why the Protestant Reformation failed

    Here is a link to a great webpage that talks about this - and has an interesting note regarding Martin Luther and the Sabbath - pretty cool!
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    A Holiday Shabbat Shalom

    Shabbat Shalom! Just wanted to extend a Happy Sabbath this holiday season to my Messianic friends here. :)
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    A different Baptism Consideration

    Hello all, Here is something that has weighed on my mind ever since I accepted Christ; it has to do with the baptism. We all know what baptism is symbolic of, being buried in Christ and resurrected, this is why we practice baptism by immersion. I am secure in this symbology and I don't...
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    Baptism belief(s)?

    Hello all, First I want to apologize for my ignorance regarding many Messianic doctrines; while our faiths are pretty close on many points the subject of baptism has never come up between me and some other Messianics I used to chat with. My question(s) is: Do Messianics believe in baptism? If...
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    Now this should tell us all something

    Last night I was watching 3ABN and there was a program where the heads of many Adventist groups (the various conferences and unions mostly) were giving money to help those affected by the recent hurricanes here in the USA. Many amounts were up there around the $100,000 range along with one that...
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    Deut 14:26 - Permission to drink alcohol?

    Deut 14:26 - And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, Definitions...
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    Deut 14:26 Permission to drink alcohol?

    Deut 14:26 - And thou shalt bestow that money for whatsoever thy soul lusteth after, for oxen, or for sheep, or for wine, or for strong drink, or for whatsoever thy soul desireth: and thou shalt eat there before the LORD thy God, and thou shalt rejoice, thou, and thine household, Definitions...
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    The Real Deal

    I just thought I'd post these links to help Christians who are stumbling on the question regarding consumption of alcoholic wine in the Bible. I'm sure that these chapters will answer all of the applicable questions. If not then we can discuss it. The Meaning of "wine" in the Bible...
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    Essay: Does "For Ever" mean forever?

    I felt it necessary to do this study for a variety of reasons; but the most important one, in my opinion, is dispelling the false belief of an ever-lasting hell which has turned more people away from the Bible (and Christianity) than probably any other singular topic. No one, not even me, would...
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    Left Behind series

    Below is an article I found that pretty much sums up the erroneous teachings of the Left Behind series that is sadly believed by so many Christians. The truly sad part is that even the authors of the series classify their books as being fictional - never have they declared their books as being...
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    Left Behind Series

    Below is an article I found that pretty much sums up the erroneous teachings of the Left Behind series that is sadly believed by so many Christians. The truly sad part is that even the authors of the series classify their books as being fictional - never have they declared their books as being...
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    The Daniel 9 prophecy (no 7-year tribulation)

    There are many theories out there in regards to the 70th Week of the Daniel 9 prophecy. The most prevalent one talks about a 7-year tribulation just prior to Christ's second coming. Many believers in the 7-year Tribulation don't know that this belief is rooted in the Daniel 9 prophecy. In fact...
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    The Daniel 9 prophecy (no 7-year tribulation)

    There are many theories out there in regards to the 70th Week of the Daniel 9 prophecy. The most prevalent one talks about a 7-year tribulation just prior to Christ's second coming. Many believers in the 7-year Tribulation don't know that this belief is rooted in the Daniel 9 prophecy. In fact...
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    I was wondering if any of you know of an Adventist pastor or theologian that teaches drinking alcoholic beverages is biblically sound? Thank you in advance.
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    Hebrews 4 essay

    It seems that some of my essays/studies got lost in the shuffle; so I'm going to repost a few of them for the sake of conversation. An In-depth Hebrews 4 Study Below is an in-depth study of Hebrews 4:1-11 that I’ve put together. I wanted to post this study, for the message that Paul was...
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    Hebrews 4 Essay

    It seems that some of my essays/studies got lost in the shuffle; so I'm going to repost a few of them for the sake of conversation. An In-depth Hebrews 4 Study Below is an in-depth study of Hebrews 4:1-11 that I’ve put together. I wanted to post this study, for the message that Paul was...
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    Rules Of Hermeneutics

    RULES OF HERMENEUTICS 1. Every Bible passage has only one meaning (except some Prophecies that contain information about contemporary people as well as about Christ). 2. The most obvious meaning of any passage is usually correct. 3. The author's own explanation of a passage is obviously...
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    Rules Of Hermeneutics

    RULES OF HERMENEUTICS 1. Every Bible passage has only one meaning (except some Prophecies that contain information about contemporary people as well as about Christ). 2. The most obvious meaning of any passage is usually correct. 3. The author's own explanation of a passage is obviously...