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  1. New Creation

    X Girls

    Harmony Dust is an ex-stripper, Crissy Moran is an ex-porn star and Bronwen Healey is an ex-prostitute. This series, called X Girls is an excellent place to start looking at possibiliites. No one is too far gone. Please watch this amazing series. It will give you hope...
  2. New Creation

    The Easter Bunny.....blech

    I can get behind St. Nicholas, because he's based in truth. But I have a really hard time getting behind the stupid Easter Bunny. I don't want my daughter to think "Easter Bunny- chocolate, candy" when she thinks of Easter. I want her to think of Jesus ressurected. So far, this isn't the...
  3. New Creation

    what is reasonable to expect from my 4.5 yr old in Mass?

    There's a woman I know from the local playgroup who is a Catholic and she and I have had many conversations about our faith. Well, imagine my joy when I saw her at Mass tonight! (It is a satellite church that we only go to when we can't make Mass at our regular church an hour away so it is a...
  4. New Creation

    Is JeffreyLloyd still around?

    Just hoping to tell him that the circle from the pebble he threw 7 years ago continues to get bigger. Jeff sent me a rosary, a Patrick Madrid book and some more Catholic info about 7 years ago now when I was a brand new Christian and was being called to the Catholic Church. I came here to...
  5. New Creation

    Chasing Other Lovers

    This is by Harmony Dust. She is one of us. Chasing other Lovers I believe that one of the deepest desires of the human heart is for true intimacy. To be fully known and fully loved. Yet in my own life, for so many years, it seemed that the harder I chased after love, the more it eluded...
  6. New Creation

    Life and Death at Christmas

    Last night I found out I was going to be an Auntie again. Despite my brother and his wife using the pill and breastfeeding, she's pregnant again, much to my joy. This morning my good friend's father died. It's such a gift, life. Whether you believe in God or not. Reach out. Don't waste...
  7. New Creation


    When I say, “I am a Christian,” I’m not shouting, “I’ve been saved!” I’m whispering, “I get lost! That’s why I chose this way” When I say, “I am a Christian,” I don’t speak with human pride I’m confessing that...
  8. New Creation

    Starting From Scratch

    Wondering where all the SOSI threads went? They are ALL in SOSI private now and will remain there unless you make a request to pull one out (that you have started). We're going to start from scratch here in SOSI public but I wanted to make sure any new people coming to SOSI know that this...
  9. New Creation

    I need a GREAT joke

    I just started attending Toastmasters and I will be speaking for the first time next week. I volunteered to be the Jokemaster. I need a killer joke that will take between 1 and 2 minutes to tell. The joke doesn't have to be a Catholic joke but they are welcome too. I know you folks have some...
  10. New Creation

    Give me a kiss - or it's time out for you

    My husband was leaving for work this morning and asked Meaghan (26 months) for a kiss. She just stood there looking at him. He said "Come on Meaghan, I'm asking you nicely. I have to leave for work and I'd like a kiss and a hug." She still stood there. He said "Do you want a time-out...
  11. New Creation

    *UPDATED!* Help And Resources For Survivors Of The Sex Industry

    If you are a survivor of the sex industry and are looking to get out, or if you just want to talk to someone who has been where you have, this is the place for you. Below are resources listed in alphabetical order. The states of the U.S. are listed first, followed by other countries. All...
  12. New Creation

    Potty training question

    My family counsellor suggested that we start training so we've begun! She's having fun with it; we clap and dance and cheer when she makes it and say, "that's ok, you can try again next time" when she doesn't. Situtation: I take Meaghan out for about an hour and a half in the morning...
  13. New Creation

    My babysitter is eating me out of house and home

    Sarah looks after Meaghan for 70 minutes while I go running four times a week. We've been doing this for 14 weeks now. When she first started I told her to help herself to anything in the house and to make herself at home. She has done so! Sarah ate an entire row of cookies yesterday! At...
  14. New Creation

    Babysitter expectations

    For the past 8 weeks I've been hiring a babysitter to come and watch Meaghan for 60-70 minutes while I go for a run. I started at twice a week for a month, then 3 times a week and now she comes 4 times a week. We'll max out there. We live in a small village of 150 so I'm very fortunate to have...
  15. New Creation

    SOSI Chat and Brainstorm Center

    I can't help but notice that while we are on other threads, we get these great ideas or hear about other subjects and we begin to go off in other directions. We're pretty good at not hijacking threads for the most part but I think we need an area where we CAN have these runaway conversations...
  16. New Creation

    Sign Of The Fish Burger!!!!

    Girl! You're PREGNANT?!!!! :clap: I am so happy for you! ^_^ That is so incredible! :cool: I know you've been trying for a long time and honey, I am just thrilled for you. May God bless you and your honey and your little one and keep you all safe. May God give you wisdom and patience...
  17. New Creation

    it's my POTTY & I'll cry if I want to

    I couldn't resist the utter cheesiness of the title- forgive me! It's potty time (I think). Meaghan is 20 months old and has been showing signs of readiness. She announces when she's having a poo, sometimes does it when she's having a pee. She has been taking her doll to the toilet for...
  18. New Creation

    BACK from my Lent fast of the internet

    And man was it amazing. Life is better when I'm not on the computer although it seemed like every day I "needed" it for some reason or another. Anyway, I came to CF right away!:D Guess what I did today? Or rather, guess what I didn't do today? Well, being a total rookie, not even...
  19. New Creation

    It was horrible...but I knew it was coming

    It was only a matter of time. You may remember that my husband and I were deciding on how and when to tell our former evangelical Anglican church that we were going to become Catholic. We did it just over a month ago. Our closest friends K & M (who are not SUPER close, like, they don't know...
  20. New Creation

    Baptizing my daughter this Sunday!

    My little girl Meaghan will be baptized into the Catholic Church this Sunday! I almost can't believe it. Man, when this family makes a decision, we dive right in.^_^ My kid's going to become Catholic before I do. :cool: Meaghan will be taking St. Mary's name as her Saint's name because...