What's the Biblical Meaning of Dreaming About the Same Person?


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Mar 26, 2019
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any feedback, revelation or insight would be greatly appreciated. TIA!

I pray that someone with a gift of interpreting dreams can answer your question, that is, if these dreams have spiritual meaning to them (as opposed to being purely psychological).
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Aussie Pete

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Im New here and just wanted to see if I could get some help to see what God may be trying to communicate to me with my dreams im usually quite good with interpreting but when it comes to this im note sure.

For the last few years i have multiple dreams a year of this girl that I know, her family go to my church and they are also good friends of our family , I also over the past 12 years have been very close with her parents not as much anymore but we are still good friends, I worked with her dad for a few years and for a few years spent alot of time at there house but back then she was very young and It was just normal nothing to think about but a few years ago when she turned 16 and I was 28 and now she is 18 im 31 I kept dreaming of her but this year I have dreamt of her at least 7-8 times in the last 6 months, Here a few examples of what im dreaming

- One dream I'm guiding her on her Learner permit in the car while her mum sits in the back seat and in the dream I thought to myself why am I in the front guiding her and not her mum. Another few dreams maybe about 3 or 4 i dream of us together at the shopping mall and One of them I bought her a big white cake, then another dream I was asked by her mum to go with her to help her drive the bus for our church. Then there was a dream that we had a family celebration at a restaurant in a shopping mall and they were last to arrive and when they did the girl had me on instargram on her phone and opened a photo and said wow look at the muscle you have(I go to the gym in real life) . Then One I was at her house talking with her mum , the girls was in the shower and as I said goodbye to her mum and dint think i would see her she came out of her room with a white towel around her body and another around her hair and she gave me hug goodbye which was surprising cause she is shy and wouldn't do that.

- this year the dreams get a bit more full on I had 3 straight dreams that I was with her and her parents at my grandmothers house were at the start of the dream she was avoiding me cause she didn't want to tell me something but by the end of the dream she would hug me and put her arm around my hip and she would open up, but then the dream would end, I cant remember the other dream but I had a few more in previous years were she was hiding or not wanting to tell me something.

- Now the last 3 have been a bit more full on which are the most recent

Dream 1 - We had a family party at my family's house and I was in the kitchen with this girl and her dad and it started with me talking to the dad and she was just listening then the dad turned to do something in the sink so me and the girl starting talking as we were talking we locked eyes and even in the dream i was like whats going on like I really noticed the connection and i was thinking does she notice it to? While looking at her eyes she had blue eyes and her pupils were enlarged but in real life she has brown eyes.

Dream 2 - We were walking in a hallway in like a reception center for some event and it was me and her with my uncle and auntie who are our Senior pastors of our church , we followed them into a room with circular tables and there were double doors that flung wide open as we walked through my pastors got to the table first and sat down while we were still walking through the doors at this point she put her arm around my waist as we walked through together and I noticed what she was wearing, it was a bronze dress that was covered in flowers but it wasn't real flowers it was the dress itself as we approached to sit down my auntie gets up in amazement and a bit shocked and surprised and said that's a wedding dress while she grabbed it to have a look.

Dream 3 - We were getting ready for an event and I was sitting on like a sofa and she sat on my and we fell back she then started to kiss me softly all around my face , then the dream skipped to the end of the event were we were outside waiting for everyone and we were waiting on steps and she stood next to me and put her arm again around my waist and I around her shoulders and we walked down the stairs and her dad looked at me and I pointed to her to say she put her arms around me but he was all good about it , he didn't really care it was more of a surprise cause she inst normally so affectionate .

Sorry I know this is getting Long just to finish just a little about our real life friendship, We talk sometimes at church which is usually small chit chat, we mostly hug hello and goodbye but there have been very rare/few occasions like 3 times in the last 3 years were we do have full on convo and lock eyes and put our arms around each other and have a big laugh but this is extremely rare she is hardly ever so bubbly or affectionate but it does happen and when it does it gets to a point were i really feel a strong connection but then i just bury it cause of her age and other factors and just think its just me and nothing else because I her very attractive and beautiful , any feedback, revelation or insight would be greatly appreciated. TIA!
Pray heaps before taking the dreams as any kind of sign. It's amazing what we can talk ourselves into if we are emotionally involved in an issue. You must have confirmation from other sources. Is there anyone that you trust you can talk to? Someone mature and objective preferably.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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There are some details that need to be answered prior to interptation of your dreams about this young lady.
A dream or vision is clear as to the Holy Spirit showing you Gods will.
Considering Her parents,If it be Gods will the right motive is Clear.
Go to Her Parents and tell them of your dreams.
Remember that a Dream or vision from God is pure and has no darkness.
James 1: 14. But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 16. Do not err, my beloved brethren. 17. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Pray in the Spirit,God gives us wisdom all we need do is ask.
if you know that by speaking of this dream would cause discord and a divide in the Church then there is your answer.
A dream that is of God has no shame.
We do not know how you feel for Her or how she thinks of you.
does she think of you as a older brother?
Would it be a trauma
for her to know your dream?
How do you relate to her ?
Are you married?
You must be clear on knowing the truth of this entire Dream.
There are powers of darkness that can destroy a Church.
She is much younger than you yet God will always prevails for His glory.
If it is to be a secret,and you know what the out come would be by telling your family and hers then you have your answer.
One other possibility is that your dreams are prophetic,and this will come to pass in your future.
Most of the time We know the outcome but want afirmation to change it.
God Bless you and know you will never be tempted without God creating a means of escape.
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Jan 5, 2020
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Thanks for the responses , Ive shared the dream with my mum and pastors they are not sure they wonder if she represents someone else in the dream, ive shared most with her and her parents but they just brush them of as just dreams but i havent shared the latest ones with them im just a bit embarrassed (im a shy peraon)but i will at some point, now im not pursuing her in any way or have an agenda but i do find her very attractive both inside and out and sometimes as i said above we hit it off and its strong but then i just brush it off and move on as normal and forget about it till i dream, and i dont think there is anything there untill i have these dreams and it gets me thinking it could be emotional dreams or distractions by the enemy but they are very vivid so just makes me wonder and would be amazing to get some interpretation of the dreams even if its not about her and she represents something or someone else, if it were God and its prophetic about her i know he will make it happen and thats the only way anything would happen i wouldn't even try or go there to be honest unless it was God and he made the way! Im not taking the dreams as any kind of sign or anything and im not lookimg for affirmation , just looking for more interpretation, She just see me as a friend and i do to and we are both single.
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Thanks for the responses , Ive shared the dream with my mum and pastors they are not sure they wonder if she represents someone else in the dream, ive shared most with her and her parents but they just brush them of as just dreams but i havent shared the latest ones with them im just a bit embarrassed (im a shy peraon)but i will at some point, now im not pursuing her in any way or have an agenda but i do find her very attractive both inside and out and sometimes as i said above we hit it off and its strong but then i just brush it off and move on as normal and forget about it till i dream, and i dont think there is anything there untill i have these dreams and it gets me thinking it could be emotional dreams or distractions by the enemy but they are very vivid so just makes me wonder and would be amazing to get some interpretation of the dreams even if its not about her and she represents something or someone else, if it were God and its prophetic about her i know he will make it happen and thats the only way anything would happen i wouldn't even try or go there to be honest unless it was God and he made the way! Im not taking the dreams as any kind of sign or anything and im not lookimg for affirmation , just looking for more interpretation, She just see me as a friend and i do to and we are both single.

She's half your age and it sounds like your becoming obsessed with her more than it sounds like anything else.

In some cultures allowing your daughter to marry a man old enough to father her is okay, but in western culture it's not seen as normal - most people are attracted to people closer to their own age so it's seen as a perversion.

I'd worry if I were you about continuing too much contact unless your thinking of marrying her and see it as normal to your culture. Obsessing isn't healthy, and not all dreams come from God.

If I was to say anything I'd say 31 and single its past time for you to consider a wife. Having dreams of girls is perfectly normal for someone who could use to be married before falling into sin.
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Mar 4, 2024
United States
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Recurring Dreams of the same person , What does it mean? Im seeking God about it but no answers yet! But it does happen quite often for the last couple of years.
Recurring Dreams of the same person , What does it mean? Im seeking God about it but no answers yet! But it does happen quite often for the last couple of years.
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Mar 4, 2024
United States
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There are details in your dreams that are very specific and interesting. Like buying a white cake, and her being in white towels, and her being in a wedding dress and you not knowing it until someone told you it was one. I know if I had just a human crush on someone these are not the dreams I would be getting. They would probably be more a long the lines of just going on dates or something. Your dreams seem to be more symbolic and it seems like things your mind wouldn’t think of on its own. Also the fact that she is hiding in the dreams maybe means she’s had a hidden crush on you. I’m not totally sure about all of this but that’s what I’m thinking! I would pray about it though and ask for more clarity. But it seems to me like there could potentially be a romantic connection set up from God. Def pray more into it!!
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