Prayers for someone who is lost in a cult


Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2015
New York, NY
Marital Status
I have someone I care deeply about how is lost in a cult known as the Iglesia Ni Cristo. It is a Filipino made cult that not only denies the divinity of Christ but has so much control over their members. This cult forces things such as mandatory attendance 2x a week, discourages their members from questioning, the message of their services focus on obeying, to be thankful of being a member, salvation is only by being a member, are saved and how all religions especially Catholics and all of Protestants are evil. If a member misses a service, elders come in to visit.. etc

They have many rules however one rule is that they are not allowed to have relationships with other members, now normally their members do have relationships outside their chuch but it all comes to an end if the person refuses to join the cult.

I have been in a relationship with one, she was a very good and loving person but she has been completely brainwashed by the teachings of this cult. For almost half a year, our relationship would deal problems because I would eventually be asked to join. After we few days of no contact, we would get back together, and the cycle repeats.
Joining that requires me to do about 28 daily lessons which consists of false bible teachings on how this 1914 church of christ is a fulfilled prophecy of the end times, how the divinity of Christ is untrue, how the trinity is untrue, how salvation is only by their church, how the founder: Felix Manalo is the last prophet, how/why the church administration should be obeyed without question.. after the teachings, there is a contract signing, oath taking and a baptism. I've clearly expressed that I'm being asked to deny Christ for this relationship, which was a complete no. At the same time, i've gently tried to show how much their teachings were all untrue and vile at the same time. I took her to an evangelical church, I tried to bargain that I would take the lessons in return that she tries to get to know Jesus. I tried to never talk about religion, however her church demands me to join in order for the relationship to continue.

So this, i need prayers for this person. This is not just for hope of our relationship to be healed but even if it doesn't result to that, at least this person will be able to see the truth of what she is part of. Any prayer for the Holy Spirit to be the true minister to her, to guide her towards christ, to start questioning and look into the scriptures herself, For these con men to be exposed.