The Irony Of Christian Love

Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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.. They are not of the world just as I am not of the world. I do not pray that you take them out of the world, but that you would keep them from the evil one. But they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world ( John 17:14-16 ).

We can only love the world as we are not of the world. We can never love the world by becoming more like the world. This is a delusion that many have shipwrecked their faith on.

It sounds compassionate enough. I will meet the man where he is at by becoming more like him where he is at. I will take the burden of the cross from him, and let him become whoever he wants to become, whoever he identifies himself to be, and then I'll become more of who he wants me to be, to make him more comfortable where he is already at.

I will embrace his style, his sound. I will play his music, watch his movies, develop his speech, and demand others have his and now my social worldview. I will not rustle any feathers, cause not a ripple, or give him any offense. No, I will meet him where he is at, by becoming where he is at, and fill churches with all that is called that. And then I will call it good, very good. And I will call it hate, if others do not hold my point of view. I will then beam with pride, I will beat my chest with admiration, sneer and look down on others who may disagree, and say to myself with satisfaction, " could I have loved them any more?"

Or we can become the world, by becoming the politics of the world, or by fighting with the fire of the world, Keeping the outside of the cup spotless clean, while the inside is filled with dead men's bones. We can become so busy fighting Rome, that we do not see the hearts of its citizens are toppling all around us.

We can dress the right way. Walk the right way, and talk the right way, but never never get ourselves on the right way. We can put on a brave face, put our superman cape on and go out and fight our gallant fight against all the enemies of the land, but yet be like the Pharisees in the end, so busy fighting Rome, and this Galilean who seemed to be fighting them, that they missed it all. Then we can put on our Sunday best. Go to church. Slap each other on the back. And say, " Could we have loved them any more?"

Christ, however, could only love the world as He was distinct from it. He was in it, but not of it. He brought something of heaven into this world. He brought otherness. He brought distinction. "They are not of the world. just as I am not of the world." The true seeker today is looking for a distinction. He said of us we were supposed to reflect that same distinction that was in Him. But I am afraid much of Christianity is only giving the world a blur. They are only giving the world a reflection of itself. But Ye are the salt of the earth, but if the salt loses its flavor with what will it be salted? It is therefore good for nothing but to be thrown out and trampled under the foot of men ( Matthew 5:13 )

What happens then if we lose that saltiness, that distinction? Men see it of no value and trample it under foot. They do not see the thing they had hoped for. They only see a reflection of the thing they left behind. And to leave them in this bondage is not love. It is to take from them the very cup of cold water they had hoped for, the very thing they had come to see. But if they come upon one in their journey one day that is seasoned with salt, then they see that distinction. Heaven itself is poured out. And in the end, it is that one who has given the traveler what he has really come for. And it is in that moment that he could not have loved him any more.
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Life lived by the Bible is life worth living.
Jul 25, 2022
St. Augustine
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Loving the world requires showing them Truth through our actions. We cannot do that if we distain them so much that we cannot relate to them. We cannot do it if we’re so much like them that they cannot relate to a difference within us. There’s a very delicate balance required when loving anyone. We must always distain sin, and allow ourselves to be different without being completely unapproachable.

I can remember many years ago when friendship evangelism was very popular. That is where people became friends with unbelievers in an effort to bring them to Christ. Of those types of situations that I personally observed, it drew more people away from Christ than it actually drew people to Christ. We can love the unbeliever, but our relationship with them must be limited. This is for our own spiritual well-being.

I really enjoy Brad‘s first paragraph where he warns about the dangers of being drawn away, as he calls it shipwrecked, from becoming too involved with the world and worldly people.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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Loving the world requires showing them Truth through our actions. We cannot do that if we distain them so much that we cannot relate to them. We cannot do it if we’re so much like them that they cannot relate to a difference within us. There’s a very delicate balance required when loving anyone. We must always distain sin, and allow ourselves to be different without being completely unapproachable.

I can remember many years ago when friendship evangelism was very popular. That is where people became friends with unbelievers in an effort to bring them to Christ. Of those types of situations that I personally observed, it drew more people away from Christ than it actually drew people to Christ. We can love the unbeliever, but our relationship with them must be limited. This is for our own spiritual well-being.

I really enjoy Brad‘s first paragraph where he warns about the dangers of being drawn away, as he calls it shipwrecked, from becoming too involved with the world and worldly people.
People may not realize it, but I truly think there is a hunger and a thirst in this world for the reality of Christ. Something truly authentic, truly from the outflow of Jesus Christ being manifested in this earth. When that is raised up, I think people know it. They may not be able to identify it right away, they may even reject it, but I think there is no doubt they know they have come into contact with something different, something good.

I feel like this article was my poor attempt at warning a Christianity from being pulled in with the world in the highly charged divisive divergent paths being played out before the world today. Christ was so different though. He was so other. And in the end He was crucified by all. Something truly of Christ is usually rejected by the entire world, not just this side or that side. Because no matter who you are, He always got to the heart of what truly mattered, and in not wanting to give that up, it was easier to crucify Him.

The only way I have ever been able to come into anything authentic in my life is through the cross. The cross is the only hope of passing through the door to something real. Nothing can pass through the cross except what is truly authentically manifested of Him on the other side. Everything else must go. This is made to come alive in the scripture For we who live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake, that the life of Christ may manifested in our mortal flesh (2 Corinthians 4:11)

The world needs nothing from me. The world needs nothing of my ideas of how to serve them or love them. I have seen what is in me, and I can say with all assurance it is not in me. There is nothing there the world needs. My only hope of giving anyone, anything of any real value in this world is bringing myself to the altar and binding myself to it until everything is burned away and only He remains. This is always what He asks. But it is often what so many are least likely to give. But at least in what I have found, this is the only way I know for what is really of Christ to be manifested in this world.

Thank you for your reply dear Sister. Thank you for your encouragement and kind words.
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Jul 25, 2020
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I really enjoy Brad‘s first paragraph where he warns about the dangers of being drawn away, as he calls it shipwrecked, from becoming too involved with the world and worldly people.
Sound Biblical advice. The question is how much most all of us have been drawn into the world and don't realize it.
People may not realize it, but I truly think there is a hunger and a thirst in this world for the reality of Christ. Something truly authentic, truly from the outflow of Jesus Christ being manifested in this earth. When that is raised up, I think people know it. They may not be able to identify it right away, they may even reject it, but I think there is no doubt they know they have come into contact with something different, something good.
I've no doubt that hunger exists in some. And the question here is what that something that is truly authentic looks like. It has to meet the needs of the moment and the given situation yet most of what we seem to do seems routine, repetitive, even annoying to many.

I've also no doubt that we are in a time where the hunger in many is gone, or at least buried deeply, and hatred for all things Christ is the condition. The different thing they want they already have, and they want more to be like them and the different ones to be gone from their presence.
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Pentecostal -Apostolic
Nov 20, 2022
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Jesus says the world will hate you because they hated him. Yes, we as Christians are supposed to love people (the world). However, the people refers to the poor, widows, those who suffer injustice. I find so many Wordly people saying “ you have to love me just compromise.” God did not love sin he loved the person. So many Christians compromise their beliefs to show they love everyone. I.e. homosexuals or transgenders say refer to me as a him if they are a she. If you refuse then they say you are supposed to love me. I don’t have to agree with your sin to love you. I have seen pastors partnering with homosexuals and openly agreeing with them and calling them He/She whichever they prefer. How does that show the love of God. It just shows they have compromised their beliefs and don’t want to rock the boat. Be courageous be strong. Stand on your beliefs because the world is standing on there’s and trying to stuff there beliefs down your throat. I would rather stand alone than stand with the wicked.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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There’s a very delicate balance required when loving anyone. We must always distain sin, and allow ourselves to be different without being completely unapproachable.
I've no doubt that hunger exists in some. And the question here is what that something that is truly authentic looks like. It has to meet the needs of the moment and the given situation yet most of what we seem to do seems routine, repetitive, even annoying to many

I was drawn to these two quotes and I thought of Nicodemus coming to Christ in the night. On one hand Christ brought something into the World that He Himself said the world hated and would also hate in us if we were His true followers. On the other hand there was something in Christ that transcended all religious and socioeconomic boundaries, that cut through everything and touched people deeply. Whether it was Nicodemus the Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews, a harlot, a Roman Centurion, a tax collector, fisherman, or a beleaguered Samaritan at the well.

It seems something truly authentic will always have this effect. I am not talking about a hunger and thirst as it relates to a world revival of some sort. I have no pretense of that. But it is my prayer that somehow He would have a people that would be willing to bear the cross of the former, but the distinction of the later. To me the salt and distinction He bore was one that not only got Him crucified by all no matter who are what they were in life, but by that very same token was a distinction so different it was able penetrate even the most resistant of lines.

I can remember many years ago when friendship evangelism was very popular. That is where people became friends with unbelievers in an effort to bring them to Christ. Of those types of situations that I personally observed, it drew more people away from Christ than it actually drew people to Christ
I have never heard of that. Do you have any relevant stories of that time of this happening to someone you knew?

I've also no doubt that we are in a time where the hunger in many is gone, or at least buried deeply, and hatred for all things Christ is the condition. The different thing they want they already have, and they want more to be like them and the different ones to be gone from their presence.

Sadly I think to a degree this is true. But I wonder if there is more to it than meets the eye? I wonder if Christianity will bear some account of this? I ask because I don't think this has happened as Christianity has become more Christ like, I think this has accelerated as Christianity has become more world like. We were supposed to be that City on the Hill. But now that City has so blended in with the world that like many American cities the sprawl is such that most don't know where the city limits of one begins and ends. Did in losing that light and blending in with the world, allow the rush of darkness to come flooding in? When we lost that saltiness the world seemed to hate Christianity more perhaps as much for the darkness it saw and liked, and the hypocrisy it saw, than for the Christ that was raised up. It seemed to unleash the world's inner darkness to the point of no return?

So it seems to me we were supposed to bear witness to the truth in this world. When that city on the Hill lost it's light it seemed the whole world went dark and everything went to pot. So I guess my question is do you think Christianity will bear some of the responsibility for the darkness of the world? Do you think the world's darkness accelerated as the light of Christianity began to fade? I wonder sometimes in losing that light, did it allow the lines to be so blurred in the world, that the world in tasting that darkness began to accelerate rapidly towards it, fighting to the death anything remotely associated with Christ that would try to reign it and all its lustful passions in?

I am really cognizant of the fact that what I just said can be taken the wrong way. Christ truly said the world will hate us. And I do see that aspect of hatred growing vehemently as the times draw near. And I do not want to demean my brothers and sisters in Christ who have fought the good fight, and the very real nails that went into Christ's hands because He was righteous. But I'm putting myself out on the line, to ask what seems an obvious question. I guess it bears asking perhaps in the other way. Has Christianity drawn such the ire and hatred of the World today because the light is burning brighter and exposing the darkness? Has Christianity really grown so Christ like in this 21st century that the ire of the world is growing more and more against it? What is really happening here ?

The question is how much most all of us have been drawn into the world and don't realize it.

What are some ways do you feel this is happening? Where do you see struggles in your own life? What advice would you give to others?
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Jul 25, 2020
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Sadly I think to a degree this is true. But I wonder if there is more to it than meets the eye? I wonder if Christianity will bear some account of this? I ask because I don't think this has happened as Christianity has become more Christ like, I think this has accelerated as Christianity has become more world like. We were supposed to be that City on the Hill. But now that City has so blended in with the world that like many American cities the sprawl is such that most don't know where the city limits of one begins and ends. Did in losing that light and blending in with the world, allow the rush of darkness to come flooding in? When we lost that saltiness the world seemed to hate Christianity more perhaps as much for the darkness it saw and liked, and the hypocrisy it saw, than for the Christ that was raised up. It seemed to unleash the world's inner darkness to the point of no return?

So it seems to me we were supposed to bear witness to the truth in this world. When that city on the Hill lost it's light it seemed the whole world went dark and everything went to pot. So I guess my question is do you think Christianity will bear some of the responsibility for the darkness of the world? Do you think the world's darkness accelerated as the light of Christianity began to fade? I wonder sometimes in losing that light, did it allow the lines to be so blurred in the world, that the world in tasting that darkness began to accelerate rapidly towards it, fighting to the death anything remotely associated with Christ that would try to reign it and all its lustful passions in?

I am really cognizant of the fact that what I just said can be taken the wrong way. Christ truly said the world will hate us. And I do see that aspect of hatred growing vehemently as the times draw near. And I do not want to demean my brothers and sisters in Christ who have fought the good fight, and the very real nails that went into Christ's hands because He was righteous. But I'm putting myself out on the line, to ask what seems an obvious question. I guess it bears asking perhaps in the other way. Has Christianity drawn such the ire and hatred of the World today because the light is burning brighter and exposing the darkness? Has Christianity really grown so Christ like in this 21st century that the ire of the world is growing more and more against it? What is really happening here ?

What are some ways do you feel this is happening? Where do you see struggles in your own life? What advice would you give to others?
I'm running these 2 quotes together because they are connected.

On another thread I recently brought up a saying that I have heard and had explained more than once throughout the years: As goes the Church, so goes the nation. Yes, I do think the Church bears some responsibility for the state of things and there are many things to be discussed, because there are many things that make for a functioning individual, family, small locality, nation, world, and Church. The core is simple - it's supposed to be Jesus Christ - the one with all authority in Heaven and on earth. The problem is how He is the practical authority of each of those entities beginning with the individual and working out from there.

When I use the word "practical" it always reminds me of the Greek "epignosis". Through extensive word studies I came to see that this word means "practical knowledge" - knowledge to be used in life. Christ and the Spirit of God are leading, guiding, teaching, training us to be functional in Christ, to be conformed to His likeness, to have His mind, to think, speak and act like Him in our own, unique personalities. This is the mind of the God-Man who essentially said He always does what He sees the Father do and always says what He hears the Father say. There's a maturity involved. We are being raised by a perfect Father to a maturity that is partially described in Hebrews 5 as having our faculties well-exercised in judging both good and bad according to the "word of righteousness." Simply put, what I've noticed for decades is the immaturity of what is called Church by most. The personal rule of the individual over self is lacking and thus all the rest of the structures are not functioning well, practically. The light is dim. The world sees a version of itself and in many ways a silly and infantile version of itself walking around wearing crosses as jewelry but not displaying Christ.

This brings me to your last question. I'm going to answer it in a bit of a round-about way:
I came to Christ somewhere in my late 3rd or early fourth decade. I went to seminary surrounded mostly by people half my age. I attended some churches that were mostly entertainment & social centers. As I observed, it was constantly impressed on me that there had to be more to Christ than this. If He is who the Word says He is and if God is who the Word says He is and if we have been given what the Word says we've been given and endowed with, then Christians ought to be more than they are seeming to be. For instance, an infantile view of judging is to not judge one-another. But Jesus says to judge with righteous judgment, to remove the log from our own eye so we can see even the small splinter in another's eye. Considering what I said about maturity above, it's clear that He is telling us to become mature - having our faculties well-exercised in judging both good and bad. Paul rebuked the Church for treating the Church Judiciary wrongly and said we will judge angels, so why not ourselves appropriately. In response to the infantile view, I say we ought to be the best judges on the planet. We ought to be the most practically righteous people on this earth. We should have emanating from within us a practical, righteous power, humility, love that reveals who indwells us. He should be more, and we should be less as you and I have discussed very briefly.​
What I'm going through as I've said before, is seeking more of Him so what I've just said becomes more practically true. In prayer about a year ago I came away with a much deeper realization that virtually everything in this world is not as it should be. The entire world and every system it runs on is based in the curse of the creation. I know this may not sound like some big revelation, but from what I've read from you, I think it safe to say that we both know there is a depth of realization and then there is another depth of realization and so on. The new creation began in the resurrected Christ. It is very slowly developing from that single seed. There is so much of the old growth that has not been taken over. The enemies are still being put under His feet. The last enemy is still at large. If I could try to sum this up for this post, I think God is still very much in the business of letting mankind prove how it is meant to be ruled by Him and limiting man from destroying himself. IOW His active, practical & universal rule is not vividly on display. When it is, then all things will be different. But right now, He is indwelling His Children and there should be something very different about them and their light should be getting ever brighter. IMO there should be a wisdom and a strength that says Christ in us. I'd like to know what that is. I don't look at much of anything now without pondering what it should be and will be.​
Make sense?​
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
Marital Status
Simply put, what I've noticed for decades is the immaturity of what is called Church by most. The personal rule of the individual over self is lacking and thus all the rest of the structures are not functioning well, practically. The light is dim. The world sees a version of itself and in many ways a silly and infantile version of itself walking around wearing crosses as jewelry but not displaying Christ.

It is going to take an individual here. A pocket of believers there., to step out, lay hold of God, forsake all, and go through the necessary cost of coming into that maturity. God is looking for such a people. It may seem small in our eyes, but it is powerful. Does it not seem in your eyes as nothing? ...But be strong....For I am with you declares the Lord Almighty... I will shake the nations and fill this house with glory...And the glory of this house will be greater than the glory of the former house.( Haggai 2:3-9) . It is a time IMHO to not despise the day of small things.

Considering what I said about maturity above, it's clear that He is telling us to become mature - having our faculties well-exercised in judging both good and bad.
Hebrews 5:14 Your post made me read this chapter again this morning and especially stopping on this scripture you emphasize. How can we come to this maturity except by stepping out, leaving the safe harbor and setting sail in the treacherous ocean. We cannot come to maturity by reading about God, maturity always comes through experience, and that comes at a cost. To me this is what this scripture is saying, that is what it means to be exercised in our senses to discern what is good and evil.

When I was young in the faith, I had stepped out with God in obedience, but in doing so found myself in rough waters. It caused me to make a few mistakes early on under those pressures. I needed to learn to wait, but sometimes lacked the maturity to do that. At one point I felt all the world was laughing at me, especially those from the worldly wise sector of Christianity. It was an excruciatingly painful time for me and I brought it to the Lord. One day He came to me, and showed me an image of Him out on the water with me. In my minds eye I saw many on the shore laughing at me, telling me what a fool I was for leaving the safety of the harbor. These were those who weren't willing to put one toe in the water for what it may cost, what it may risk and thought themselves very wise. And then I felt the greatest assurance come over me, He looked right past my mistakes as if they weren't there, and felt Him speak " I would much rather you be with me out here, than back there." In a similar light I have seen those laughing back in Egypt eating their flesh pots as I am facing the howling demons out in the wilderness. He showed me again how easy it was for those who live in ease to pick ones life apart as they are being stripped of everything and war with devil. I think He has a special place in His heart for those who forsake all to follow Him through such an ordeal. Warts and all.

What I'm going through as I've said before, is seeking more of Him so what I've just said becomes more practically true. In prayer about a year ago I came away with a much deeper realization that virtually everything in this world is not as it should be. The entire world and every system it runs on is based in the curse of the creation. I know this may not sound like some big revelation, but from what I've read from you, I think it safe to say that we both know there is a depth of realization and then there is another depth of realization and so on. The new creation began in the resurrected Christ. It is very slowly developing from that single seed. There is so much of the old growth that has not been taken over. The enemies are still being put under His feet. The last enemy is still at large. If I could try to sum this up for this post, I think God is still very much in the business of letting mankind prove how it is meant to be ruled by Him and limiting man from destroying himself. IOW His active, practical & universal rule is not vividly on display. When it is, then all things will be different. But right now, He is indwelling His Children and there should be something very different about them and their light should be getting ever brighter. IMO there should be a wisdom and a strength that says Christ in us. I'd like to know what that is. I don't look at much of anything now without pondering what it should be and will be.

The Kingdom of God when it is manifested in us puts Satan on Notice that the Systems of Man will soon crumble and His Kingdom and Reign will come tumbling down, and that is why every time the authentic reality of the Kingdom of God is manifested in us he vehemently opposes it. At the end of the day it's not so much what we "do" for God that matters, it is the reality of who we are in Him that matters. And that can be as much about shoveling snow in the Spirit as anything. I believe Satan knows full well who God's people are. One day the veil will be rent and the full thing will come to light. The power bound up in that He knows will have the Power to break the powers of hell and set all of creation free. Romans 8:18-21.

That is why at least for me, I am not going to expend my energy fighting for the kingdoms of man. The people of God were suppose to run on a different operating system than that, not to be embedded in it. We were suppose to run on the operating system of the Kingdom of God. But somewhere along the way everything has gotten muddled. May He have a people that comes out of it all and presses reset.

Make sense?
Perfect. You always have very wise insight.
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Jul 25, 2020
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Hebrews 5:14 Your post made me read this chapter again this morning and especially stopping on this scripture you emphasize. How can we come to this maturity except by stepping out, leaving the safe harbor and setting sail in the treacherous ocean. We cannot come to maturity by reading about God, maturity always comes through experience, and that comes at a cost. To me this is what this scripture is saying, that is what it means to be exercised in our senses to discern what is good and evil.
The stepping out you mention is spoken of in the sense that this section about maturity is in the context of a rebuke for not yet being mature. The faculties "well-exercised" is the word "gymnazo" which is pretty easy to take right into English. The stepping out is the setting aside of the distractions and ultimately meaningless interests and sitting at His feet learning and being trained which will include Him testing us to develop us practically. The analogy of being in the gym while others sit on the couch can be applied. The issue for those who do not step out and redeem time with Him can be seen early in Hebrews 6 where there is ultimately a warning that this training and growth takes place if God permits. It seems we can ignore Him - our perfect Father - one too many times. I don't think enough of us see His stern side. If what we spoke about in the last posts are the case, I'm afraid we may come to know how we are failing Him corporately while misunderstanding the fact that part of His grace is seen in our required development per Paul in Titus.

Perfect. You always have very wise insight.
Thank you for this comment. I see the wisdom in what you write as well. I used to start out with new students letting them know that I don't see our Faith as some game we play but take it very seriously and do what I know to treat His Word with the honor and respect He deserves. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of...
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Pentecostal -Apostolic
Nov 20, 2022
United States
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I was drawn to these two quotes and I thought of Nicodemus coming to Christ in the night. On one hand Christ brought something into the World that He Himself said the world hated and would also hate in us if we were His true followers. On the other hand there was something in Christ that transcended all religious and socioeconomic boundaries, that cut through everything and touched people deeply. Whether it was Nicodemus the Pharisee, a ruler of the Jews, a harlot, a Roman Centurion, a tax collector, fisherman, or a beleaguered Samaritan at the well.

It seems something truly authentic will always have this effect. I am not talking about a hunger and thirst as it relates to a world revival of some sort. I have no pretense of that. But it is my prayer that somehow He would have a people that would be willing to bear the cross of the former, but the distinction of the later. To me the salt and distinction He bore was one that not only got Him crucified by all no matter who are what they were in life, but by that very same token was a distinction so different it was able penetrate even the most resistant of lines.

I have never heard of that. Do you have any relevant stories of that time of this happening to someone you knew?

Sadly I think to a degree this is true. But I wonder if there is more to it than meets the eye? I wonder if Christianity will bear some account of this? I ask because I don't think this has happened as Christianity has become more Christ like, I think this has accelerated as Christianity has become more world like. We were supposed to be that City on the Hill. But now that City has so blended in with the world that like many American cities the sprawl is such that most don't know where the city limits of one begins and ends. Did in losing that light and blending in with the world, allow the rush of darkness to come flooding in? When we lost that saltiness the world seemed to hate Christianity more perhaps as much for the darkness it saw and liked, and the hypocrisy it saw, than for the Christ that was raised up. It seemed to unleash the world's inner darkness to the point of no return?

So it seems to me we were supposed to bear witness to the truth in this world. When that city on the Hill lost it's light it seemed the whole world went dark and everything went to pot. So I guess my question is do you think Christianity will bear some of the responsibility for the darkness of the world? Do you think the world's darkness accelerated as the light of Christianity began to fade? I wonder sometimes in losing that light, did it allow the lines to be so blurred in the world, that the world in tasting that darkness began to accelerate rapidly towards it, fighting to the death anything remotely associated with Christ that would try to reign it and all its lustful passions in?

I am really cognizant of the fact that what I just said can be taken the wrong way. Christ truly said the world will hate us. And I do see that aspect of hatred growing vehemently as the times draw near. And I do not want to demean my brothers and sisters in Christ who have fought the good fight, and the very real nails that went into Christ's hands because He was righteous. But I'm putting myself out on the line, to ask what seems an obvious question. I guess it bears asking perhaps in the other way. Has Christianity drawn such the ire and hatred of the World today because the light is burning brighter and exposing the darkness? Has Christianity really grown so Christ like in this 21st century that the ire of the world is growing more and more against it? What is really happening here ?

What are some ways do you feel this is happening? Where do you see struggles in your own life? What advice would you give to others?
The answer is the Bible’s end time prophecy is correct. In the end it will be like it was in the days of Noah. Also like Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, more Christian’s have compromised. However, that’s what the Bible predicted will happen. A great falling away. This is why Christian’s need to stand on the word of God no matter what. We run from persecution. Why? We do not want to be singled out. We do not want to suffer for the name of Jesus. We need to examine ourselves. If you are not experiencing a measure of persecution in your life then there’s something wrong with your light.
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Brad D.

A Way Unknown
Aug 22, 2022
United States
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The answer is the Bible’s end time prophecy is correct. In the end it will be like it was in the days of Noah. Also like Sodom and Gomorrah. Yes, more Christian’s have compromised. However, that’s what the Bible predicted will happen. A great falling away. This is why Christian’s need to stand on the word of God no matter what. We run from persecution. Why? We do not want to be singled out. We do not want to suffer for the name of Jesus. We need to examine ourselves. If you are not experiencing a measure of persecution in your life then there’s something wrong with your light.
I hear you dear sister. Any who have truly followed Christ, should share in and bear the mark of at least some of our Saviors wounds. I certainly have some of my own sorrows and wounds. Sometimes I wonder what it must have been like on that great and awful day. I was imagining myself tonight looking up at Him, the earth trembling, the sky turning black. Just looking at Him hanging there and suffering so. It gave me shudders. Sometimes I think it would do good for all of us to put ourselves there that day and look at Him, until we are pierced with His love, forget our own troubles and joyfully move on. May you be blessed in all and anything you are going through.
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Pentecostal -Apostolic
Nov 20, 2022
United States
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I hear you dear sister. Any who have truly followed Christ, should share in and bear the mark of at least some of our Saviors wounds. I certainly have some of my own sorrows and wounds. Sometimes I wonder what it must have been like on that great and awful day. I was imagining myself tonight looking up at Him, the earth trembling, the sky turning black. Just looking at Him hanging there and suffering so. It gave me shudders. Sometimes I think it would do good for all of us to put ourselves there that day and look at Him, until we are pierced with His love, forget our own troubles and joyfully move on. May you be blessed in all and anything you are going through.
Brother Brad,
Thanks for your eye opening and beautiful words. I agree when your think of what happened on Golgotha it bri gs tears to your eyes. Sometimes I think of the other great day when Christ will appear in the clouds to rapture his church. Thinking of the day I meet him hells me to forget about my own troubles and bruises I have suffered. Blessings and prayers back to you.
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