Recent content by Zoness

  1. Zoness

    Comment by 'Zoness' in 'A Farewell Message'

    Farewell to ya, I guess they don't want us winning any more arguments against the drive by proselytizers. :cool::D It's been a good many years here, my faith has evolved a ton since I started and not really towards the forum's intent. I will share contact details in the private group thread...
  2. Zoness

    The "No Hell" Thread

    Yeah my wife tested today too. She's required to take off work until she gets results since she's a teacher. We're basically isolating but hoping I find results tomorrow.
  3. Zoness

    Churches have no importance in my society

    Churches have tremendous influence here, but its kind of waning very very slowly.
  4. Zoness

    Stigma of witchcraft

    I think due to demographic reality, mostly by chance many of my friends are Christian. Some of them use it for cultural identification and some go to church but they're overall pretty respectful of my beliefs and show genuine interest in them. It's a pretty self selecting group though, odds are...
  5. Zoness

    The "No Hell" Thread

    Yeah this is especially frustrating because I would have expected churches to adapt like the rest of us after the stress of the first round of lock downs but they tend to think of themselves as special. I am very appreciative of the churches who have played along to help us all out. As my wife...
  6. Zoness

    Chinese Chan(Zen,中國禪)

    The South Korean flag is very aesthetically appealing to me. I love the design and colors.
  7. Zoness

    Stigma of witchcraft

    Which is why I offer that potentially Christians would look to return to a position of cracking down on people they find morally offensive. That would be an example of a way to go beyond mere stigmatization.
  8. Zoness

    Stigma of witchcraft

    Usually Christians leverage the government to impose their will. If it were simply the question of free association I don't think there's really anything wrong with you choosing to disassociate from others but that typically is only the beginning. Mosaic law calls for the death penalty for both...
  9. Zoness

    Deceipt as an Evangelistic Tool

    I've found that my experience is that its more casual than being implied; like missionaries in various churches I've been to subconsciously send their prettiest girls to meet the young men to talk about joining their church or the tendency for Christians to feign friendship to make you into a...
  10. Zoness

    The "No Hell" Thread

    Looking forward to picking one up but I got some PS4 games to wrap up, odds are I'll take the PS4 off the rack and hide it behind one of my PC monitors and run it on one of those monitors while also continuing to play Danganronpa on a different PC monitor. :D
  11. Zoness

    Stigma of witchcraft

    Are we so quick to forget the Christian meltdown about the red holiday cups at Starbucks? :D
  12. Zoness

    *~*~ THE FRUITCAKE CAFE ~*~* (5)

    May Hathor preserve president-elect Joe Biden. May the Horned One give him strength. Also, thanks for bringing this nightmare week to an end finally.
  13. Zoness

    Question to Polytheists/Neopagans: Which gods exist?

    Sure I think that is plenty compelling! British Traditional Wicca, the tradition of Gerald Gardner, the effective founder of the religion takes the gender polarity fairly seriously. Later Wiccan traditions have chipped away at it and eclectics have a very mixed to negative opinion of it. Many...
  14. Zoness

    Question to Polytheists/Neopagans: Which gods exist?

    Interesting and relevant reading on the topic! Interpretatio graeca - Wikipedia
  15. Zoness

    Question to Polytheists/Neopagans: Which gods exist?

    The standard devotional polytheist answer is that all gods exist and that to exist is be a self-sufficient agent with will. Generally in ancient cultures they were seen as separate gods but were sometimes syncretized together. The Greek/Roman fusions are the obvious ones but the lines get...