Recent content by ZekeB

  1. Z

    Sleeping help

    Thanks for your input! He "runs" hot and does not like blankets on himself, but I guess I can't rule out being actually cold. His room is around 73 degrees... I'll run that by the wife as we both know I just get to give input on these types of things. (My suggestion has been, and still is, to...
  2. Z

    Sleeping help

    So our 16 month old, Henry - is not the best sleeper. Compared to people I know, we've got it pretty good and should not complain.... but here is is. Almost every night Henry wakes up around 10-11pm screaming hysterically (and almost waking his 3yr old brother). The only way to make it stop is...
  3. Z

    Food Aversions - Help!

    Hello, Thanks for the replies! At 15 months I am unable to ask him what he wants - beyond saying a food item and hoping that his reaction is an excited one v. very upset. We do keep track of what he eats and how much. We just need new ideas on ways to get good, nutritious food into his body.
  4. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    It's just a little baby! Hopefully it grows nicely for you!
  5. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Looks great, @public hermit
  6. Z

    Food Aversions - Help!

    Hello friends, my wife and I have been on quite a journey with our littlest (15 months old). Quick recap: Henry was diagnosed with severe acid reflux AT birth. He could not keep food down and continuing to projectile like spit up until he was about 9 months old. We got it under control (ish) at...
  7. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Does anyone have an update eon their garden? I'd love to see pictures!
  8. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Thanks! I'm in Zone 5b. It's starting to get pretty hot out, but the lettuce seems A-OK to this point. Last week was in the 90s but the last two days were 77 and 81. I don't have any of the seed at the moment, but I've always had excellent results with Burpee's All Season lettuce mixture -...
  9. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Really good stuff! Here is an update on my garden (compare to post #33): ** Roma tomatoes, basil, purple beans, red wine lettuce, oak leaf lettuce, bell peppers, chives, oregano, parsley, rosemary...
  10. Z

    Help with 3 year old

    Thanks for the help so far. We are transitioning out of counting - it used to be very effective. When he was smaller, it could take him up to 3 seconds to decide (you could see it on his face) wether or not he was going to listen. I can't punish a child who needs more time to process what they...
  11. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Thank you! I, too, did not know that either. I planted 4 bushes this spring in early April; I did not know what to expect! Your garden looks great! I long for the days when I, too, will have that much space again (like 8 years from now whenever we move again).
  12. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    So here is a picture of my roses that just started to bloom: Picture 1: This is the rose as it just starts to unfurl its petals.... Picture 2: This is the EXACT same rose 24 hours later. What a difference!
  13. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    I use "Fox Farm Grow Big" weekly using the "heavy feedings" dosage and the moment I see plants begin to flower, I switch to "Fox Farms Tiger Bloom" for the heavy feedings weekly. I had bell pepper plants last year that exceeded 2 feet tall and held 8-10 peppers each. I had to put stakes on them...
  14. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    I've not used it, but you can turn the calcium into a foliar spray which dramatically increases the speed the plant receives the nutrients. I would read up on this big time as foliar feedings are very potent and if you do the math wrong you could kill/damage your plants. If you follow a guide...
  15. Z

    Garden pics 2020

    Ha; it's a 2.5 car garage and for some reason this is a side garage door. No clue what the builders thought they were doing as there is a foot drop off from the side!