Recent content by wing2000

  1. wing2000


    In accordance with New York State law.
  2. wing2000


    ....that is one of the problems in "Evangelical America" -- there is not "authority". -- anything goes.
  3. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Sure. In this case, the trial was cited as an example of a Banana Republic. No former POTUS will be tried by a jury of his peers in a Banana Republic. The former president of Honduras was recently prosecuted...not by his own government...but but be the US government (after extradiotion) --...
  4. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Our justice system is not "sacroscant". However, turst in our justice system it is essential if our democratic republic is to survive. It seems you are doing your part to undermine it. Like I wrote earlier, go visit another country with no justice system and just maybe, you'll appreciate...
  5. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    RFK Jr did not provide any such reason. Why do you think it was "a sham"?
  6. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    It was not a sham. Donald Trump was found guilty by 12 of our fellow citizens after carefully evaluating the evidence presented over the course of 4 weeks.
  7. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory if citing RFK Jr lends *any credibility* edit - I listened to the first 2 minutes of the interview.....JFK is repeating is simply repeating the Trump talking points (weaponization of the justice dept, etc). JFK Jr, the Op and I suspect many here have no idea what a real banana...
  8. wing2000

    Did the Founding Fathers get anything Wrong?

    When did Jesus say that?
  9. wing2000

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    " is a sad day for our nation. A former president has been convicted of felonies. The potential next president is a convicted felon. If we worry about our standing in the world—and we should—this isn’t a point of pride. Despite this verdict, America still looks like so many struggling...
  10. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    No, I mean where judges who enforce the law are executed.
  11. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    I see. Maybe you should go spend some time in 3rd world country so you can fully appreciate the justice system we Americans all enjoy (and take for grant it).
  12. wing2000

    Conviction Ensures Trump Victory

    Have you ever spent any time at all in a 3rd world country?
  13. wing2000

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    The GOP leadership could do just that if they had the will to do so. They don't. We likely would not be here today had Republican US Senators done the right thing and convicted Donald J Trump during the impeachment trials. Instead, due to their lack of any moral fiber and spine, here we...
  14. wing2000

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    All prior occupants of the White House, and most people, are morally superior to Donald Trump. This is the man who on tape, said he can grab women by...... ....and then paid the National Inquirer to "catch and kill" the story of his sleeping with a porn star. He was elected anyway. And...
  15. wing2000

    Trump Found Guilty on All 34 Counts In Hush-Money Trial

    ...and any number of primary alternatives in 2016, 2020 and 2024.