Recent content by Wildflower3

  1. Wildflower3


    I didn't know they had those, website blocker. Is it an app or something?
  2. Wildflower3


    I do it too, read the news, it causes me distress and feeds my anxiety but it's like I'm somewhat addicted to it. If it's bad or scary I'm like a moth to a flame right towards it. I've been thinking lately that it's a temptation and that I really should stop. I think your family telling you to...
  3. Wildflower3


    Why are they telling you to stop watching the news? Did they give a reason?
  4. Wildflower3


    Oh wow, I have never seen that banging before. Interesting.
  5. Wildflower3


    @RileyG No problem. Yeah it is pretty neat isn't it?
  6. Wildflower3

    God's Punishment/Judgment - EO View

    @cradleGO This article doesn't exactly address your specific questions, but I personally have found solace in reading as it gives me hope for the fate of sinners in that there is much holy prayer being done for us all...
  7. Wildflower3

    God's Punishment/Judgment - EO View

    I don't understand either. I wish hell didn't exist. Through the intercessions of the Theotokos may the Lord have mercy on us all.
  8. Wildflower3

    An account of St. John the Theologian by Clement of Alexandria

    Have any of you heard about St. John and the Robber?
  9. Wildflower3

    God's Punishment/Judgment - EO View

    Then the burden in on us, as Orthodox Christians, to pray that God does not punish them despite them not making restitution. Even the Lord did this on the cross, "Father, forgive them, they know not what they do." Other examples of prayer for this: "O Lord, at the day of judgment, do not hold...
  10. Wildflower3


    The chandeliers are intentionally reinforced to safely withstand the swinging. Yes they do look a bit scary to me too. But they are safe. I've read a couple of explanations why they are swung. One is that the swinging chandeliers represent the angels in heaven flying around and rejoicing at...
  11. Wildflower3


  12. Wildflower3

    Orthodox Priest Symbolically Knocks Down the Doors of Hades

    I believe this is what he was saying:
  13. Wildflower3

    Christ is risen!!!

    Christ is Risen! Truly He is Risen!