Recent content by Von Davidicus

  1. V

    Honest question of 1 Timothy 2:11-12

    I'll admit First Cornthians 14:33–40 is another passage I have troubles with. My father has dementia, and barely knows who my mother is, so to whom can she turn? Certainly not to me; I'm her son, not her husband, and Paul permits her to tun to no-one else. Nor can I answer anything asked by...
  2. V

    Am I guilty of covetousness?

    Sorry for the delay, I had to find one of the books where I read that. The following is from Pitfalls Of Christian Liberty (pp. 67-68), part of John McArthur's Bible Studies (Emphasis mine.)
  3. V

    Tornado in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada

    July 1, 2023, five homes (including two farms) were destroyed and several houses were damaged by a tornado in Didsbury, Alberta, Canada. While there were no human deaths, a number of livestock were killed. Please pray for the families that were affected by this.
  4. V

    Fears of playing musical instruments

    I'm not Church of Christ. I'm just someone fully aware of that he thoroughly screws up anytime he tries to do anything for God. As for "paying homage to the lineage of Cain," again, the verse reads: "And his brother’s name was Jubal: he was the father of all such as handle the harp and...
  5. V

    Teen Banned From Graduation for Saying There Are Only Two Genders.

    Personally, I don't fit the male role at all well. I dislike sports, I'm a crap mechanic and carpenter, and if I'm the breadwinner of the house, it's only because I'm caring for my retired mother. Making things worse, I enjoy cooking and baking. So much for me being a proper male.
  6. V

    Fears of playing musical instruments

    I think this is the right forum... I know I had a few tunes posted on the forums with my music, but I've since deleted them as best I could. I did this because they were instrumentals. Genesis 4 tells us that the father of all who play stringed instruments and pipes is Jubal, son of Lamech...
  7. V

    Teen Banned From Graduation for Saying There Are Only Two Genders.

    Intersex people, I will agree with; that IS a medical glitch. As for the Transgender and Genderfluid, these are people who don't fit neatly into gender roles so they're told that something must be wrong with them. Even though not fitting into strict gender roles created by society is...
  8. V

    Am I guilty of covetousness?

    I've been reading a number of Christian books and they've said "Covetousness is wanting what you don't have." I'm in the final stages of buying a house; a house I did not have before. Did I covet that house? Some years ago, I purchased a car, as I did not have a running vehicle. Does that...
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  12. V

    The only fruit I refuse to eat.

    My apologies, I was mistaken. It's not in the Bible, it was in a series of books I read long ago called The Bible Story where I read that (which is based on the Holy Scriptures, but is not actually the Scriptures).
  13. V

    The only fruit I refuse to eat.

    May I go so far to say that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was the only one of its kind ever--and we know it was destroyed in the Great Flood, since the story of the Flood does say that Eden perished.
  14. V

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  15. V

    Post the heaviest Christian music you got in this thread.

    I do not know if this counts, but I consider it "Heavy" in a different way. This is a song I found in a hymnal so old the bass clef looks funny, and it's called "Man of Sorrows, Wrapt In Grief" Below are the lyrics: -------------- Verse 1 Man of Sorrows, wrapt in grief, Bow Thine ear to...