Recent content by venksta

  1. venksta

    Anxiety For Future Marriage

    All Christians have to grow into maturity in various aspects of our lives, as we spend time with studying God's word and drawing near to Him. The OP is probably being honest, but also shows immaturity in this area. His #4 post shows he has quite the expectations. "Looking good in her 60's" will...
  2. venksta

    What is the main reason you are single?

    Main reason I'm still single is I want God's best. He has promised me that she is out there, and while He prepares me, I'm confident God will bring her into my life at His best timing.
  3. venksta

    The Art Gallery

    That is really pretty GospelS! Was the swing made by the Father for his precious daughter?
  4. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    When I turned 40 in February, I didn't let it get to me. One thing God used as encouragement, was learning about the late Stan Lee, and how he didn't start writing Marvel comics until his mid 40's. His writing and the characters he helped create has inspired many generations of people. As I see...
  5. venksta

    The Church is The People.

  6. venksta

    The Church is The People.

    It should be both, if we sincerely want to serve God in the lives of others, be it in a church, or people around us. If we want to serve God, we also need His help, through the Holy Spirit. Whenever I prepare the questions and thoughts for the bible study I lead, I always go to God in prayer...
  7. venksta

    The Art Gallery

    I like the use of different colored sparkles!
  8. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    I went to my second church this morning for prayer with my mom. This church is my parent's home church. They have a Thursday morning drop in time for those who need prayer. When we arrived, the prayer warriors were all out praying for others in a different room, except for one lady. She happens...
  9. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    I'm a kissless virgin at 40 like you. And I don't see anything wrong with it. In fact, I'm glad for it. The only person who gets my first kiss is the woman who will get pronounced as my wife on our wedding day. I think for her, knowing that each time I kiss her afterwards, will be a sign of my...
  10. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    Curious for opinions. If you go to a church, outside of Sunday services, what is most important for the church as a body of Christ? A time of corporate prayer, or a bible study?
  11. venksta

    Bible Verses

    Yesterday, I was lost in thought about what a true courtship would look like, which honored God. While thinking, God dropped this verse out of no where into my thoughts. I can't express the joy it brought, as if it was a missing puzzle piece. :) "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens...
  12. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    That looks very fun. Thanks for sharing. :)
  13. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    Just finished preparing the questions and answers for tonight's young adults bible study at my church. We're going through Acts 4 to 6. Reading through it, seems straight forward. However, I'm finding its true, leading a study helps you learn the Bible in a greater way. One thing I've been doing...
  14. venksta

    The Goodness of God

    If you put your faith in God, He will enable you to do things you didn't imagine. If you have a passion to serve, ask God for help through the Holy Spirit. Currently, God is drawing me into roles at church I never felt I could do, like lead a bible study, and perhaps taking over to lead our...
  15. venksta

    What's on your mind?

    I would love to see your artworks, if you feel comfortable sharing them. :clap: