Recent content by Valerie Calicocat

  1. Valerie Calicocat

    I enjoy Crocheting Scarfs

    Thanks for sharing.
  2. Valerie Calicocat

    anime you want to see continued

    I would like to see the rest of the Sailor Moon Series that I started watching in the English Rated TV Y form. I would also like to see Prince of Tennis continued, because I really enjoyed it.
  3. Valerie Calicocat

    I enjoy Crocheting Scarfs

    Thanks D Taylor, I also make Crosses as bookmarks too that I give away. I'm so glad to be making people smile it makes me happy.
  4. Valerie Calicocat


    Dear Lord, Please help Earthbear to stay focused on you. And if there is anything he needs to do to in his relationship with his Girlfriend please let him know. Amen!
  5. Valerie Calicocat

    I enjoy Crocheting Scarfs

    I am learning and practicing on how to making a Scarf and it is really fun. YouTube has helped me out a lot. So thankful for Technology. My Sister Lisa got me interested in Crochet, because she did her first Blanket.
  6. Valerie Calicocat

    Shalom Ani! - Intro Thread

    I was raised going to Church and become a Christian at age 12, but have since switched to Judaism, because of Jesus and a great love I have for HIS People and Church. I would love to learn more about the Jewish People and their Culture, because I love them so much and I have a wonderful love for...
  7. Valerie Calicocat


    Amen I agree with you too EdenSpeak.
  8. Valerie Calicocat

    Sign Up to Answer Questions-Christians/Messianics MUST READ FIRST

    Greetings Tishri, I was raised going to Church and become a Christian at age 12, but have since switched to Judaism, because of Jesus and a great love I have for HIS People and Church. I would love to learn more about the Jewish People and their Culture, because I love them so much and I have a...
  9. Valerie Calicocat


    Welcome to our Group! I hope you have fun here. I enjoy posting here and the Friendship & Family atmosphere here.
  10. Valerie Calicocat

    Hello everyone!

    Welcome Candie, I hope you have a fun time here.
  11. Valerie Calicocat

    Hello People of God

  12. Valerie Calicocat

    Greetings Everyone. I'm new!

    Thanks for making me laugh. :wave:
  13. Valerie Calicocat

    Greetings Everyone. I'm new!

    Okay. Thanks for letting me know.