Recent content by Unqualified

  1. Unqualified

    Past sins are destroying my ambition to serve

    Guilt is not of the Lord. Take it captive and let it flow by, down and out and away every time it happens so it won’t stop you from what your heart and God desires. Your smart use the tools God gave you. It’s a fight. God can use anyone He chooses. Just persevere. he graces you support...
  2. Unqualified

    Jeanfort2021’s Introduction

    Welcome to the forum. I’ll pray for you. Just say ‘no’.
  3. Unqualified

    Getting exhausted dealing with depression

    My wife had todo the impossible for twelve to eighteen years and be a single mom for three kids. Work, churched, mom and dad. It’s not your fault it’s the dads fault.
  4. Unqualified

    Getting exhausted dealing with depression

    I saw a sign in a window at a counseling place, it goes something like this: you are stronger than you know, smarter than you think and loved more than you ever thought possible.
  5. Unqualified

    Prayers for Abby, a middle aged Christian woman that she leaves Akashic spirituality & Metatron

    The Bible says not to pray for the world. The Bible says not to pray for destruction as in other peoples lives, then where would the trust be. Ref. ? But to lead them away and too see, as in the hollowness of not trusting Jesus alone. Don’t pray for a live together relationship but to come...
  6. Unqualified

    I want to grow closer to God and get my life in order

    Do what you like to do and if there is a market for it there will be a job for you. Eze 18:31
  7. Unqualified

    Scripture Suggestions for a problem

    Don’t believe it. You are free. The truth will set you free. Read your Bible, that’s the truth. I feel like I’m in prison to sometimes. God hasn’t completely freed my mind yet either. So I have trouble and trials and an affliction that keeps me close to God. I don’t get what I want. But...
  8. Unqualified


    Well there are plenty of Calvary Chapels to visit especially in Southern California, some really great ones. Welcome to the forum @Natasi .
  9. Unqualified

    They still mock me, laugh at me and call me F ---- behind my back even when I am already kind to my neighbors

    Maybe they don’t like Christian’s. So a little persecution. Take it patiently, pray for your enemies. Thank you, you offered them a cold drink of water, you blessed them. You could be a good sport or withdraw and pray for them, you could lead with the gospel now. Sounds like they have a...
  10. Unqualified

    I cant beat this one particular sin.

    When you lie correct yourself in front of the person and tell the truth. It’s a start on the ones you see. Maybe you’ll be so embarrassed that you will stop. I lie in a kidding way sometimes-be bizarre but I always correct myself right then and there and don’t let it slide. Maybe people...
  11. Unqualified

    Plumbing repairs

    Just a special washer in each valve fron the hardware store if you’ve a mind to do it yourself.
  12. Unqualified

    Eco Church

    Yes the earth needs to be cared for. Does being conservation minded help people to get saved? It sounds like it is distracting the people from evangelizing. It’s the end times, the one world church is focused on environment. No I don’t expect all churches to be the same. Someone has to...
  13. Unqualified

    The weakness that humbles….

    Yes, humbles, what we can’t do. The over achiever. The mentally ill. The sick, the thirsty for justice, the persecuted who can’t live a victorious life except by dying. Humbling is necessary, it’s key, to repent as you say of us. To stop trying to be better and look up and embrace the...
  14. Unqualified

    The weakness that humbles….

    Then is salvation only for the incompetent and weak? It sure was meant for this misfit and unable being. The strong are missing completeness and the Bible satisfies them. I couldn’t live without the way the HS works in me, which is different from how He works in them. The gifted still need...