Recent content by TylerBibleThumper

  1. TylerBibleThumper

    Prayers for drstevej and mnorian as well as their family and friends.

    I pray that the LORD will forgive drstevej and mnorian of their sins, transgressions and iniquities. I pray that the LORD will console, comfort and wipe away the tears of the families and friends. May the LORD raise them up to the heavens to be with the Lamb of GOD and those who serve HIM...
  2. TylerBibleThumper

    Do take care of yourself. Especially in China.

    Do take care of yourself. Especially in China.
  3. TylerBibleThumper

    Pray for People Battling Cancer (3)

    Wow. I pray it does NOT come back! The wiles of the evil one are far too intense in these last days.
  4. TylerBibleThumper

    (Catholics Only) Worried I could be losing faith in Catholicism

    Thank you for the response. That actually helped me out a bit so I could answer you a bit better which I was hoping would happen. I had the opportunity IRL to go to several different Catholic churches. One more modern and the other was much more traditional catholic with organs and such. The...
  5. TylerBibleThumper

    Have to ask:

    Sorry if this is in the wrong spot. Really wasn't sure and couldn't get a response from a mod. What is the most powerful prayer you have ever heard? Seen? Used? Etc.? Padre Pio's Sacred Heart Novena is tied to tons of miracles and said to be very effective. Others insist Novenas to the...
  6. TylerBibleThumper

    (Catholics Only) Worried I could be losing faith in Catholicism

    This can be a really tough question for some to answer. I myself wasn't sure with denomination I was wanting to get affiliated with for the longest time. Fascinated by history? Sure the RCC can be very appealing to you for that reason alone. Some people just want Jesus and nothing but Jesus so...
  7. TylerBibleThumper

    Is it ok to remain single forever

    There are a ton of pros and cons to being single. This is not an all inclusive list. I'm just basing this on my own experiences and life lessons from other people I've gained a little bit from. Pros: You can set your own schedule more or less. You can do whatever you feel like (within...
  8. TylerBibleThumper

    Anxiety making me feel like I don't deserve my boyfriend

    Everyone deserves someone. Of course, I must confess to being a bit of a hypocrite because I was ALWAYS too scared (or full of other excuses to go find a soulmate). If your BF is right for you? Don't make the mistake of letting him go. I don't want to see people ending up like me.... old and...
  9. TylerBibleThumper

    How we live for God

    If she has her heart set on Christ? Then may God continue to bless her and be with her.
  10. TylerBibleThumper

    Pray for Persecuted Christians Around the World

    St. George's Akathist prayer is online. St. George Hero of Martyrs
  11. TylerBibleThumper

    #50 in Christian persecution, Malaysia

    So many nations and so many people are ruthless and completely unhinged in their unjustifiable hatred for Christians. Just because Jesus said Christians would be persecuted for their faith does NOT make me feel better about the whole situation. In fact, it makes me feel worse because the LORD...
  12. TylerBibleThumper

    I ask for prayers of healing.

    I've seen quite a few doctors since this all started in August of last year. They've tried everything but cannot diagnose me with anything specific. The doctors did all the testing they could possibly do. I need spiritual help. I've tried novenas, litanies, rosaries, etc. and nothing has worked...
  13. TylerBibleThumper

    Pray for People Battling Cancer (3)

    Lord hasten your angels to receive his soul in the name of our Lord Jesus.
  14. TylerBibleThumper

    I need healing urgently.

    No. I've been to several, including two catholic churches. I've prayed until my knees gave out. Not really any orthodox churches near me that do English services, that I know of.