Recent content by twins15

  1. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (8)

    Ernest Hemingway - The Sun Also Rises
  2. twins15

    NFL off-season News (5)

    Interesting signing by the Vikings of Josh Freeman... hopefully one of their QBs can step up and become a good starter!
  3. twins15

    NFL off-season News (5)

    Only a couple more weeks until the start of the regular season... I can't wait! Hopefully my Vikings can build on their strong year last season!
  4. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    John Charles Chasteen - Americanos: Latin America's Struggle for Independence
  5. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    Robert Andrew Powell - This Love Is Not For Cowards: Salvation and Soccer in Ciudad Juárez Very interesting book so far... about the soccer team in Juarez, but more so about the people of the city and how they cope with living in one of the most dangerous places in the world.
  6. twins15

    NFL off-season News (5)

    Nice draft haul for the Vikings... 3 first rounders! Can't wait for the season to start!
  7. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    Michael Connelly - Drop
  8. twins15

    NFL off-season News (5)

    Less than a week until the draft... hoping the Vikings can get some good starters with their 2 first round picks!
  9. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    John Charles Chasteen - Americanos
  10. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  11. twins15

    What are YOU currently reading? (7)

    The Lonely Planet Travel Book. Very cool book that gives a quick look at every country in the world :)
  12. twins15

    Out of curiosity, how long married?

    Just a few days over 8 months :)
  13. twins15

    Girlfriend dumpsbme through text and blocks my #...

    Agreed with the others... and also would say if that is the way she treats someone, she is not ready for a serious commitment. Sorry you had to figure it out in this way.
  14. twins15

    Would this concern you?

    If you haven't noticed any other strange behavior or strange interests other than this, I wouldn't let it bother me. I listen to different types of music that could be seen as depressing, but it is just music I happen to like. If that is the only thing he listens to, maybe it would concern me...
  15. twins15

    NBA Playoffs

    OKC vs Miami in the finals... dream matchup with all of the talent on these two teams!