Recent content by tisma bowens

  1. T

    help with my marriage

    Hello. Sorry you are going through this difficult time. My husband and I have been married for four years with a three year old son. We got married at 19 which was way too young and not shortly after I found out I was pregnant. We separated four months into my pregnancy for roughly two months...
  2. T

    I Guess you no longer have to be born again :/

    We must do all these things before becoming a Christian Hear: Acts 15:1-7 Believe: Acts 15:1-7 Repent: Luke 13:3-5 Confess: Matthew 10:32-33 Be Baptized: Acts 2:38
  3. T

    What would you say to a young Christian man/woman about this?

    Hello. All things that are worth having are worth waiting for. If you're wanting to get married for the mere fact that you want to have sex, that is wrong and will be the start to a rocky marriage. You will never be sin LESS, but you can sin less. I would say to keep your focus on God, avoid...