Recent content by Timothi

  1. Timothi

    Native speakers of Yiddish here or Yiddish learners interested in exchange about the language?

    Yes, literature. But I'd like to be able to read the Hebrew letters fluently first. But i also started learning Yiddish in Duolingo for fun, yes. That's interesting I didn't know that modern ivrit followes the Sephardic pronunciation nor that the groups (Ashkenazi, Sephardic and mesrakhim)...
  2. Timothi

    Native speakers of Yiddish here or Yiddish learners interested in exchange about the language?

    I'll certainly have a look at the book, sounds interesting. Thank you. I have bought the book by Eyal Noyman "Alefbet - Das hebräische Alphabet für künftige Hebräisch-Profis". (Here his webpage and online shop Shop - EasyHebrew) He seems to be a good teacher and has a Hebrew language school in...
  3. Timothi

    Native speakers of Yiddish here or Yiddish learners interested in exchange about the language?

    You learned Hebrew over Duolingo? Tried that too, and failed quite quickly (see below), after I had started with Yiddish course. Originally I wanted to learn the Alphabet better with the section learn the alphabet in the Hebrew course (that worked so far). My problem was that I made mistakes in...
  4. Timothi

    Native speakers of Yiddish here or Yiddish learners interested in exchange about the language?

    Hi folks, I have started learning Yiddish on Duolingo about a month ago. It is a really fun language. Sounds cute sometimes. When I finally had managed to read all Hebrew Letters correctly, I was so impressed , how easy understandable in reading and writing this language is for me being a native...
  5. Timothi

    Apocryphal books of the Septuagint

    Hi there, it's a while since I have come last here. Lately I have been studying Judaism, since I realised that I practically know nothing about it. Since there is no real forum anymore, at least I couldn't find one, where you can discuss and learn about other faiths, I decided to post in this...
  6. Timothi

    This or That (2)

    holidays at the sea or in the mountains?
  7. Timothi

    Yum or Yuk? (5)

    very yum! :) corn dogs?
  8. Timothi

    Lets count to 1000 (3)

  9. Timothi

    This or That (2)

    cheeseburger (Though I only now the cheeseburgers from McDonald's and Burger King and both ain't good at all. - There aren't that many fast food chains where I live.) scrabble or poker?
  10. Timothi

    Lets count to 1000 (3)
