Recent content by ThisIsMe123

  1. T

    Dating apps have filter flaws

    Yeah, I had a beer at a local venue the other day. I don't see the big deal. I knew a Christian that at first didn't want to date a man that had a beer...but she wound up marrying one anyway.
  2. T

    Do we have any real examples of Born Again Christians falling away from the faith forever never to return?

    Although, I don't know too many that went from one extreme to the other (Christian to Paganism), although Paganism is just outright weird. But anyway, most I've known is how the steps go: 1. Grew up in the church, even active in it 2. Turned 18, went off to college, and drifted away from...
  3. T

    Discussion of Matthew 5:28 But I say, anyone who even looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.

    Although, statically...not sure of the number. But men think of sex so many times in a day. For the single man, that's living a chaste life, it's not uncommon
  4. T

    Chastity in Dating: Not Just ‘No Sex’

    I think it was that old "Purity Culture" phase that influenced that with the protestants. Wonder if that carried over to some Catholics?
  5. T

    Chastity in Dating: Not Just ‘No Sex’

    Which is weird, because I never thought Catholics thought like this? I Thought it was the Evangelicals that didn't dot he "no kissing before marriage" thing.
  6. T

    Chastity in Dating: Not Just ‘No Sex’

    It's just an opinion article. One author, one opinion.
  7. T

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    Though it's behind a paywall, the housing crisis is facing an issue where less men are buying homes, and still living with their parents If you Google the topic, more women are becoming homeowners than are men...
  8. T

    Chastity in Dating: Not Just ‘No Sex’

    "Some" recommend not kissing before marriage? I wonder who are these "Some"? Awfully vague. I'm curious if people have actually done this successfully and never had a problem with it. I went on a date with a woman that thought like this, I was like "Good luck with that" and moved on. Just...
  9. T

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    --Ordinary is no longer valued. You can't be a guy who goes to work and tries to live decently. That's not enough. You've got to make it splashier. So you hit the gym, go for a hike, have a weekend getaway, and hangout with friends at a bbq. You have to be a living highlight reel. That's the new...
  10. T

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    Ver well put.....although, I know some people that have gotten together the old-fasihoned way...still, some are in their 20s. I know a co-worker that asked a co-worker out on a date...they became a couple, and are now engaged. here is me, playing it cautiously, even warning him, "Dude, don't...
  11. T

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    You'd think this be the best way to find a lady, is via friends first...however, when I did this....I would get the "Sorry, I don't think of you in that way" or there simply wouldn't be any attraction. They just see you as a platonic buddy or pal. Sometimes they are caught off guard by you...
  12. T

    Boyfriend/girlfriend stage not legit?

    It was more of a cultural thing back then...what is stated in the quote. Shoot, women were treated almost like slaves in a sense as they were arranged marriages, they were used as a form of barter. Like if a man would trade his oxen or whatever and the father would hand over the daughter to him...
  13. T

    Want to date or be dateable, attractive to women... Therapy or dating coach?

    Yeah, I don't know why that one guy poo-poos therapists, my employer pays for mine 100% all the way, and she's been helpful as a work place therapist when certain traumatic events happen. Yeah, in agreement to the easy lays. I know men like this, though well intentioned, they use these women as...
  14. T

    Unequally yoked in Corinthian doesn't mean marriage the bolded...wrong!, you just contradicted yourself.