Recent content by The Cadet

  1. The Cadet

    Why would obama lift IRAN sanctions in July 2015?

    Well, would it have helped? Were we close to breaking them and changing their minds? I'd like to think I'm a bit of a pragmatist here.
  2. The Cadet

    This has got to be an Onion article, right?

    Those were just the first ones that came to mind. I've seen such complaints from just about every mainstream news source.
  3. The Cadet

    This has got to be an Onion article, right?

    ...No, they haven't. In fact, it's been a near-constant refrain, even in the hard-left rags I read. Washington Post criticized her for it. So did Slate. Here's NBC News. Shall I continue?
  4. The Cadet

    Trump: we should respond to Iran's taunts with an act of war, should be "shot out of the water"

    Let's game this out for a second. What do you think would happen if the USA just opened fire on those boats?
  5. The Cadet

    Trump: we should respond to Iran's taunts with an act of war, should be "shot out of the water"

    I cannot help but respect the heck out of that. :)
  6. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated?

    I don't remember the last time a post made me laugh this hard. :D
  7. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated?

    Oh boy, the first time you try to pull this stuff in front of court you are in for a treat, let me tell you. :D
  8. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated?

    I reiterate my question: have you ever heard of a "benchslap"?
  9. The Cadet

    Was Hillary wearing an earpiece or a hearing aid?

    It's good to know that I'm not along here. :)
  10. The Cadet

    Trump: we should respond to Iran's taunts with an act of war, should be "shot out of the water"

    Citation needed. No, seriously, this claim is just bizarre. Our military is the strongest in the world. What are you even talking about?
  11. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated?

    Does the term "benchslap" mean anything to you? :D
  12. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated?

    (posting drunk) If this was all there was to the oathkeepers, I wouldn't have a problem with them. Neither would the SPLC. But unfortunately, that's not all that there is to them.
  13. The Cadet

    CNN presidential poll: Donald Trump pulls ahead of Hillary Clinton

    (Posting drunk) It's a pretty long list, actually. I couldn't name a politician who's done more for women than Clinton. I could believe it if there was one, but she's definitely pretty...
  14. The Cadet

    Does not having a four year degree mean you are uneducated? These nutters?
  15. The Cadet

    Why would obama lift IRAN sanctions in July 2015?

    You wondering why we relaxed sanctions on Iran. That's a question with two very clear answers: In exchange, we were able to prevent them from further developing nukes The rest of the international community was no longer on board with the sanctions, so it would not have been very effective...