Recent content by stvns78

  1. S

    Prayer request possible cancer

    I got the results from biopsy on my head and it was benign. However I started getting gut issues. Make a long story short. I had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, two ultrasounds, and a CT with and without contrast. The reason for the CT was they found a complex cyst on my left kidney which the CT found...
  2. S

    Prayer request possible cancer

    Thanks for the reply. What worries me the most is I have had this for quite a while, 1-2 years maybe even more don't remember, and I do have, what I think, is a slightly swollen lymph node right under my jaw. This lesion is on the frontish part of my scalp. If it has gotten bigger it has been...
  3. S

    Prayer request possible cancer

    Hello, I am politely asking for those who are willing to pray for me. I have had this sore on my head for a year or two that comes and goes. I didn't purposely neglect it. More of a out of sight out of mind situation. Well the other day I decided to use Dr Google to try and figure out what it...
  4. S

    Covid-19 vaccines and transmission

    Last week I was in a room with 5 other people. 4 fully vaccinated and 2 people with previous infections including myself. The other person with a previous infection caught COVID and he infected two fully vaccinated people that sat right beside him. The odds are high it was the delta variant but...
  5. S

    Severely Anxious about Mild Atherosclerosis

    Not really asking for medical advise. I am asking if it is normal or not to have some mild artery plaque in the 40's. Asking for medical advise would be asking if I should take this medication or that medication or should I have this procedure or that procedure. Not asking that at all. I am...
  6. S

    Severely Anxious about Mild Atherosclerosis

    I have been a suffer of GAD most of my 42 years. I also suffer from ocular migraines occasionally. Last year I had a few episodes so I decided to see a neurologist. They did a Brain MRI and CT's of my head and neck with and with out contrast, showing all the arteries. The report came back that I...
  7. S

    Can Anxiety Distort Your Faith?

    You are not alone. I am in this exact same place at this point in my life. I suffer from GAD (generalized anxiety disorder) and OCD. I am an engineer, very analytical, and overthink everything. Those traits make me good at my job but cause many problems elsewhere. The same little nugget, have I...
  8. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    Thank you for the verses. I have a follow up question. In your opinion do you think the founders of the USA were disobeying God when they rebelled from England? BTW this not a gotcha, just asking an honest question. I see two possibilities: If they were disobeying God when they rebelled then...
  9. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    Please elaborate on what I am wrong about. Also citation is requested where SCOTUS has ruled that order takes priority over rights. Furthermore you failed to address the purpose of the OP which is the questions I was asking in it. I will take the blame for that. May i infer that you are in the...
  10. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    Please elaborate on the relevance. Thank you
  11. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    You said a lot in that post so I may not cover it all. First this OP was not to fear-monger in anyway. It was intended to ask others perspective on a situation I am struggling with. From the OP: "The bible tells me to submit to the governing authorities but what does that really mean? The...
  12. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    I was afraid this would devolve as it has from its original intent. I am also to blame for following it downward. I came seeking others perspective to a struggle I am having. What I got was a combo of passive aggressive and legitimate responses. This thread has ran its course and no further...
  13. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    Thank you for your reply. My primary concern is to do the will of God. That being said we must all be concerned with our government overstepping its boundaries. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If and when our government oversteps it must be checked or else it will...
  14. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    Such is the problem with precedent. Just because some judge say something is constitutional and then sets a precedent doesn't not necessarily make it constitutional.
  15. S

    Obeying Unconstitutional edicts

    They have been doing it for a long time. Federal Reserve act of 1913, 2nd amendment violations, NFA, Patriot Act, Obamacare, People are getting thrown off public spaces for speaking. I can continue. Its not conspiracy theory to be vigilant. If your rights can be suspended they are not rights...