Recent content by StuartB

  1. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I read through your post on Spiritual gifts. The conclusion i came to is that God seeks out random people to share those gifts with. I'm pondering if God has favorites or people he would prefer to save, or have a connection with.
  2. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I will read through your Spiritual Journey thread.
  3. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    What would this pact include?
  4. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I don't understand the "If you forsake him, he will reject you forever" When it's stated that all will bow and confess Christ as lord. Maybe Solomon was following the God of this world.
  5. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    1. Perhaps Jesus should've been more specific in what he said in mark 11:24. It's pure false hope. Ass far as praying in the Spirit goes, I've been praying long enough for God to open up to me, or send his Spirit on me. I also don't trust opening up to anything spiritually. God only knows what...
  6. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    It's hard when you don't see any changes in people's lives.
  7. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I just pray for other people now. Surely that's God's will. I don't expect anything from God for myself.
  8. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I've tried the faith route the past 10 years, only to be rejected by God. Think about it, how many millions of prayers for simple things such as food, clean water, and housing go unanswered? Surely those are not selfish requests. As far as paranormal experiences go you bes be careful, hat could...
  9. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    Because I care about her. During my darkest days of depression, agoraphobia, panic disorder, OCD, Kaley was a tiny light in my empty, lonely life. There are other people I pray for, but Kaley is special to me. Someone needs to pray for her.
  10. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I'm simply asking questions. I'm not a Christian. neither is God or Yeshua. I believe in Yeshua, but not organized religion. I'm sensing the typical Christain response to someone that doesn't believe their religious stuff. Anger and distain.
  11. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    I don't see it written in any Bible that God says "You can solve your own problems" It seems Christians make things up to defend God lol.
  12. StuartB

    Unanswered prayers

    You're missing a point. It's said that "with God all things are possible" and "God can do all things" So surely God would have an answer for everything. I'm living with the attitude "I don't expect anything good to happen, so I won't be disappointed when nothing happens"
  13. StuartB

    Who Is the “Man of Lawlessness”?

    Finally! Someone who can see that God set humanity up to sin, or allowed it to happen. The way the religions teach it make God out to be dumb and powerless.
  14. StuartB

    Who Is the “Man of Lawlessness”?

    I find you calling me ignorant rather rich since you seem to be caught hook, line and sinker in traditional churchianity. Try some critical thinking and not what a denomination, doctrine, or church leader tells you. God ain't a Christian or religious at all.