Recent content by soul_on_fire

  1. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    I kinda had a feeling you were going towards that. I just find it kinda annoying that you wouldn't point it out right away.
  2. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    But take for exaple a little child that has a lethal sickness. It's too little to have sinned or gave into any temptation, yet it does suffer. Why does God allow it?
  3. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    What about diseases and sickenesess? They just come to people no matter how sinful or not they are.
  4. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    I was refering to the temporal ones.
  5. S

    There are five apples on a plate and five children

    it's not a joke, it's a riddle :P
  6. S

    is dublinese good or bad?

    yay xD
  7. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    Why do people still suffer even though they got a way out of it?
  8. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    Their minds weren't strong enough to refuse the serpent and his deceiving, and seeing that God created Adam and Eve, He created them with that mind.
  9. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    Then why is it a fact that people DO suffer? Because i was interested in knowing why God allows suffering, not any other topic. Besides, if someone gets innocently murdered, where's the good in that? That the murderer got what he wanted? What about the family of the victims? True, after...
  10. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    That still doesn't answer why people still suffer :P
  11. S

    is dublinese good or bad?

    ahh :D well then i'm glad to have a dublinese accent xD cheers :thumbsup:
  12. S

    Why does God allow suffering?

    I get the whole "Adam and Eve ate the apple" thing, but why is it that thousands of years later God still punishes billions of people for something two people did long ago? Isn't that kinda... mean? And God told them not to eat from that tree, but he created humans curious and with a weak will...
  13. S

    problem making friends

    I agree with PolarBear3 :) It might be uncomfortable but in the end you'll be glad you did it =) The questions aren't too personal, they just show interest in the person you're talking to. You could ask the people questions that you would be comfortable asking. if you know the place where they...
  14. S

    There are five apples on a plate and five children

    yeah xD the last child has the apple on the plate =)