Recent content by SoC

  1. SoC

    *T - EA* My Story

    The book is horrible. As I said, those things are all in the first two chapters. That was all we read before tossing it (which was only after a healthy amount of debate on whether or not to roast marshmallows over it on the grill out back). As for protecting us, I've got that covered. I've...
  2. SoC

    *T - EA* My Story

    That self-help book I mentioned, What Do You Want From Me? by Terri Apter, actually came from an aunt. She had given a copy to my parents, who read it and (according to her) liked it. It says things like there are 6 people in the marriage bed (husband, wife and 4 in-laws), men don't need top...
  3. SoC

    *T - EA* My Story

    I thought I should post a little about myself and why I'm here. I've been married for almost two years (give me another two weeks and the "almost" can go away). Even before meeting my wife, I would have told you I was a momma's boy. I knew it. I didn't know she, my mother, was abusive and had...
  4. SoC

    Random Thread of Randomness! (31)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Random Thread of Randomness! (30)"
  5. SoC

    Random Thread of Randomness! (30)

    Yay for a 2 year old thread that has reached 30 iterations. That's over 30,000 posts (since I know the first two iterations were more than 1000 posts each). *presses the enter key by blowing on one of those silly things where you blow in it and it unrolls and makes an annoying honking sound*
  6. SoC

    Random Thread of Randomness! (30)

    This thread was split automatically after 1000 replies and this thread has been automatically created. The old thread automatically closed is here: "Random Thread of Randomness! (29)"
  7. SoC

    I wasn't raped but I didn't want to give my virginity away

    The guilt and pain are a good sign. It means you understand you've sinned. You also seem repentant and remorseful. Don't worry about being forgiven. You are... at least by God. But you must also forgive yourself and seek forgiveness from the guy you were with (if you haven't already)...
  8. SoC

    Is this is a sin...?

    I never said that it's wrong or stupid to participate in forums. Just that questions like this one are stupid and without reason. My point is that situations like this are so unrealistic, you're more likely to find a talking, thinking monkey that could come up with questions like these than to...
  9. SoC


    First off, a church accepting money with strings attached, is a bad idea. If it's not given cheerfully for the church to use as needed, then they should not accept it, IMO. Secondly, I've never heard of a church paying the musicians. All the churches I've been to have always had volunteer...
  10. SoC

    Is this is a sin...?

    My opinion: Questions like this are stupid. What purpose do they serve? You asked a question which you answered yourself only a sentence later! What practical application do you get from asking these questions? The likelihood of ever being in the situation where the ONLY source of food is a...
  11. SoC

    Random Thread of Randomness! (29)

    Yay! My 1204th post!
  12. SoC

    Random Thread of Randomness! (29)

    Mmmm... Tacos. Tacos is good stuffs. Really good stuffs is tacos. I loves me tacos. I loves them goooood.
  13. SoC

    Christian View on interracial marriage

    Well... that makes two times I've agreed with sketch... Agreed.
  14. SoC


    The movie sucked as a "based on a book" movie. Standalone, it was good, but not great.
  15. SoC

    Comparing religion to the martial arts. Could this help in realizing Truth?

    No. I'd rather not get entangled in the lie that mixing religions with Christ is a good idea.