Recent content by Sketcher

  1. Sketcher

    "Singleness is a gift" is actually a lie?

    Well, people can and do meet each other at church and get together, but that has not worked for me. And thinking that's the place to meet people adds a level of stress to actually going to church. I won't say to not go, but I have to tell single guys especially to temper their expectations when...
  2. Sketcher

    "Singleness is a gift" is actually a lie?

    The people who say "Singleness is a gift" the loudest and most often are married people. IDK what it says about their marriages, but none of them have been as single as long as I have been as of today. I followed the general advice that you hear people in the church give to single people - stop...
  3. Sketcher

    What should I do about my feelings for a guy?

    And what does that look like? There's a big difference between getting drunk with friends, and having only a couple of drinks worth with Christian friends.
  4. Sketcher

    What should I do about my feelings for a guy?

    Just what are we talking about? One glass of red wine a day, or getting drunk regularly?
  5. Sketcher

    Question for guys

    I'd settle for enough positive attention from attractive and eligible women to pick out a good spouse. I would like to not have unreciprocated feelings ever again.
  6. Sketcher

    Given The Bird For Sharing The Gospel

    Well, she'll repent one day, or she'll be punished for it.
  7. Sketcher

    Thoughts on Dungeons and Dragons?

    This is the correct answer. Though the more one "cleans" it, the fewer options the players have.
  8. Sketcher

    Burn her!

    The book of Acts shows us how the first Christians dealt with those who practiced witchcraft. They didn't kill them.
  9. Sketcher


    The one who accepted Jesus would go to Heaven. Last I knew they were both Lutheran, so my assumption is this is a moot point. I really do not know how they work that out. I don't see how it isn't bigamy - but if there's any case that warrants an exception, this is it.
  10. Sketcher

    Advice for New but older Christian

    It's kind of like the training wheels coming off.
  11. Sketcher

    Patriarchy 2.0

    Where are you seeing this exactly? Those are not positions that I hear in polite company.
  12. Sketcher

    Picture from the Surface of Venus

    Looks like it's straight out of one of the Fallout games.
  13. Sketcher

    Should I get iPhones ?

    I've read some good things about Apples's support and security, but learning a new environment can be a daunting task if they are not both technical and up for it. They might be better served with up to date Android phones. Be aware that the higher tier Samsung phones are supported by Samsung...
  14. Sketcher

    30 Day Challenge

    I'd DM you with mine (for privacy) but I'm not seeing that forum option.
  15. Sketcher

    Why Christian women act like it’s a Biblical commandment for a man to pursue them ?

    It started long before my time. I couldn't tell you.