Recent content by sjastro

  1. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    Having a knowledge of the mathematics helps. An example is the Rydberg equation which was empirically derived in the late 19th century and describes the energy level spacings versus wavelength λ in the spectrum of the hydrogen atom. Rₕ is Rydberg’s constant for the hydrogen atom, n₁ and n₂...
  2. sjastro

    Free will and quantum indeterminacy

    As has been pointed out in this thread there are various interpretations of quantum mechanics including deterministic ones such as the Many Worlds Interpretation which states we are stuck with only one possibility as all other alternatives exist in other universes which are unobservable in our...
  3. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    I'm not a fan of AI giving complex mathematical and scientific descriptions but ChatGPT-3 gave a surprisingly good simplified explanation of the antipodal impact hypothesis.
  4. sjastro

    SpaceX T- Two Hours

    As an astrophotographer Elon Musk's satellites for their sheer numbers are a pestilence which frequently ruin wide angle images. Professional astronomers share the same opinion.
  5. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    An explanation of the wave terminology in post 1. Action of P and S waves.
  6. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    I suppose one advantage of a flat earth anti-podians are not even a threat.
  7. sjastro

    Antipodal Hotspot Impact Hypothesis explaining Permian Mass Extinction.

    This is a hypothesis and probably fits more into the ‘Non-Mainstream Science and Controversial Science’ forum but given some of the outrageous threads there this is far more mainstream like by comparison. First of all some preliminaries, when a seismic event occurs such as an earthquake seismic...
  8. sjastro

    First Light

    I'm surprised there are individuals who think their lack of knowledge and understanding is a standard that everyone else (including scientists) adheres to. The subject of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis has made accurate predictions to the relative abundances of primordial hydrogen and helium in the...
  9. sjastro

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    Your Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science post is noise employing word games and denials while the number of separate responses to my post which amounts to 12 is a clear indication of Gish gallop tactics a method historically favoured by creationists. I am going to focus on...
  10. sjastro

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    The issue is about separation or more precisely the division of day and night on days 1 and 4 of creation according to Genesis 1:4-5 and Genesis 1:14-16 respectively. In order to avoid the contradiction day and night could not be divided on day 4 because it was already divided on day 1, you...
  11. sjastro

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    A literal interpretation of the Bible is to read the Bible exactly as it is. In Genesis 1:4-5 day and night were separated on day 1 of creation while in Genesis 1:14-16 it was on day 4 which is a contradiction, similarly in Genesis 1 plants were created on day 3 and humans on day 6 whereas in...
  12. sjastro

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    As I stated in the context of this thread and others interpretation of the Bible is based on bias, furthermore as mentioned previously a literal interpretation of the Bible exposes contradictions. What methods are they? What would they be?
  13. sjastro

    To the science haters out there this is not a thread for you.

    An example of citizen science at work, helping in the preservation of an Australian icon. Jackson has done more than 70 koala surveys over three years. He's only found five koalas
  14. sjastro

    Earth in hot water? Worries over sudden ocean warming spike

    When I moved to my rural property in Australia nearly 25 years ago I noticed a species of needlegrass began to proliferate in early November as temperatures began to increase; this signalled the start of the fire season and the legal requirement for land clearing began. Now the needlegrass...
  15. sjastro

    Moon light - the word of God vs falsely so called science

    As this thread and others have shown interpretation is based on reading one's bias into the Bible. The Bible cannot be used to contradict science while the opposite can be true where the Bible presents a historical account which can be attested or not through archaeology. Geneses is not a...