Recent content by seeker1999-

  1. seeker1999-

    How do I fear God?

    I’ve tried writing down fear Jesus fear hell now over and over but it hasn’t worked at all…
  2. seeker1999-

    I apologize to you all

    Thank you(intellectually) for accepting my apology. I just now realize how important having guilt is but it’s not the same as Godly sorrow for sin. I don’t have either.
  3. seeker1999-

    I apologize to you all

    I apologize (intellectually) for playing games with you all. By_the_book told me this in one of the previous forums But I’ve never had that still small voice of the Spirit speak to me to draw me to salvation though. Is it too late?
  4. seeker1999-

    To be honest with you all

    I’ve never had that still small voice draw me before if what I can remember.
  5. seeker1999-

    How do I fear God?

    My fear of hell is very very dim if at all. It’s very very dim. When I attempt to think about God and hell my forehead gets tense. My mind doesn’t want to retain it At all. I forget what I read in no time.
  6. seeker1999-

    To be honest with you all

    I thought I was was looking for legitimate advice but I know my true intentions deep down: selfishness, greed, etc.
  7. seeker1999-

    To be honest with you all

    I didn’t really listen to the sermon at all. But basically I think He is right. I was raised a reprobate from the public fool system. My parents care about me but not my eternal soul apparently because they are not truly born again. Train up a child in the way he should go rings 100% true. I...
  8. seeker1999-

    To be honest with you all

    To be honest with you all I have been using these forums playing games instead of legitimate advice. My parents raised me a reprobate unfortunately through the public school system Here’s a sermon on that.
  9. seeker1999-

    How do I fear God?

    I did write down deut. 32:22 I should study that to death and maybe over time my intellectual fear of hell will increase.
  10. seeker1999-

    How do I fear God?

    My “interest” in this is only intellectual and that intellectual “desire” is not that much at all. I cannot control my mind. It’s that screwed up.
  11. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    By the way I only get condemnation when reading the word no sense of peace at all.
  12. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    The problem is I’ve ever had a conscience. Someone could drop dead and it wouldn’t even bother me. I wish I could go back in time and give my life to Christ.
  13. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    Go read my story in a nutshell post you will see what I am going through.
  14. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    I am forcing myself. God hasn’t called me. Maybe I should try to look to Him and hope no matter what.
  15. seeker1999-

    Reading Luke 16:23-24

    I am reading Luke 16:23-24 over and over. It doesn’t even phase me. I have no desire for the word at all.