Recent content by SarenR

  1. SarenR

    Fun Thread: Whoever Posts Last is King/ Queen of the Thread!!! (30)

    King with my first post in the thread woo hoo!!
  2. SarenR

    Just wondering

    You say that the SA should turn away non-Christian volunteers, can you imagine the uproar that would be caused in teh press if this was too happen, we would effectively be discriminating due to their believes. Also, a non-Christian working in a SA store can lead to a belief growing and gives us...
  3. SarenR

    Are there any Salvationists at home?

    Welcome to the forum's Amy, I hope you find them useful.
  4. SarenR

    Looking for a little information

    What you must remember is that God has a plan or us all and if what you want now is not what is in God's plan then no matter how much you pray you will not get it. And this does not mean you are not good enough, or not "holy" enough, it just means God has something else in store for you, and...
  5. SarenR

    Salvation Army and Baptism

    Where in the passage from acts does it specify water baptism? Could the baptism mentioned not refer to baptism by the holy spirit?
  6. SarenR

    Salvation Army and Baptism

    Where in the passage from scts does it specify water baptism? Could the baptism mentioned not refer to baptism by the holy spirit?
  7. SarenR

    Are there any Salvationists at home?

    I am here. Being in the salvation army about 5 months so seems to be some newbies about
  8. SarenR

    what disqualifies you becoming a salvation army officer

    Hi all, My wife is starting to feel the call to become a salvation officer. We are new christians so will not be for a few years yet but we both see that in our future. However, my wife is currently going through a bankruptcy due tpo debts incurred from a divorce some years ago. Does...
  9. SarenR

    The Alpha course, your thoughts.

    Hi, In a few weeks I will be starting the alpha course. It is being run by my corps but due to the time it is on and work I can't attend so I am going to one run by a different church. Has anyone done the alpha course? Is it useful? There seems to be a lot of praise about it and also a...
  10. SarenR

    Is The Evangelical Church about to have a Major Heart Attack

    HI CW, I am also 25 but feel the total opposite of you. The thought of standing and listening to songs for two hours does not feel like worshipping to me. I want to listen to teachings of Jesus and the sermon's are one of my favourite parts of church. I am not saying your style is wrong just...
  11. SarenR

    New Christian looking for tips

    Hi all, I have recently started going to my local Salvation Army Corp in the UK and I love it. I love the community feel of it and how welcome I was made to feel. I would say at the minute that I am more of a salvationist than a Christian but with the guidance for my Officer that is changing...