Recent content by SarahsKnight

  1. SarahsKnight

    Third Bible Read Thread

    DAY 303 Ezekiel 11 and 12 Galatians 4
  2. SarahsKnight


    Are you kidding? Trump's got some people into such a cult-like state of mind that I don't see how the convictions won't further spur them into drawing parallels between Trump and the actual Man whom I and many other folk here believe to be the Messiah. We've heard insane comparisons made...
  3. SarahsKnight


    If they are in any way threatening or so much as insinuating violence on behalf of Trump (or ANY politically-related cause, really), then in my worldview, they aren't behaving like a good Christian and/or conservative at all.
  4. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    Anyone get the feeling that Miss Lion (@GodJesusAndChocolate ) is a big fan of sweets? ^_^
  5. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    Yeah I was talking about that drug that always seems to make people go on sudden violent sprees while feeling invincible in movies. ^_^
  6. SarahsKnight

    Third Bible Read Thread

    DAY 302 Ezekiel 8 through 10 Galatians 3
  7. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    Toad go on a PCP freakout, there?
  8. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    Hi, Miss Love Divine.:wave:
  9. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    My grandfather told my little cousin Haley and I, back when we were both kids, that thunder was the sound of the Devil whipping his wife. Just suddenly remembered that. ^_^
  10. SarahsKnight

    Third Bible Read Thread

    Will have to skip today. :)
  11. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    You, Miss Multi, and myself should meet up especially, as this realm's only knights and all. ^_^
  12. SarahsKnight

    Post a picture

    I am sure that you did, Miss Spaulding. That is really cool to hear that that is what you do for a living, by the way. :angel:
  13. SarahsKnight

    Third Bible Read Thread

    DAY 301 Ezekiel 4 through7 Galatians 2
  14. SarahsKnight

    What's on your mind?

    I just spoke with a friend I worked with at Dr. Pepper in Houston several years ago, Miss Marina. She gave me great words of wisdom: "30 is the new 20. 40 is the new 30. Lol." I guess she was trying to lift the both of us up, her being in her early thirties and my turning 40 next month. ^-^...
  15. SarahsKnight

    Post a picture

    I suddenly found this picture on FB, and it brought back the good memory of my maternal grandparents having gone up to Magnolia (where I moved back to five years ago) with me to see the college that I was going to start at next fall. I was only 18, then. ^-^