Recent content by ruthiesea

  1. ruthiesea

    Study points to worse mental health outcomes for women who have abortions versus giving birth

    According to an article in the New England Journal of Medicine, Mental Health Implications of Abortion Restrictions for Historically Marginalized Populations, “To begin with, abortion does not lead to mental health harm — a fact that has been established by data and recognized by the National...
  2. ruthiesea

    today's slavery vs slavery of the 1800s

    Originally slaves were prisoners of war often raided from the neighboring tribe. Jacob became a voluntary slave(an indentured servant) for 10 years so that he could marry Rachel. It later turned racial. Even after the slave trade was banned by the British it was still carried on by European...
  3. ruthiesea

    Did God order a chosen people to mass murder children?

    The late Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks said, “Who is a hero? Not one who defeats his enemies, but one who turns an enemy into a friend.” Prime Minister Netanyahu has all but erased any chance of peace by saying that the israel government would not support the creation of a Palestinian nation. The...
  4. ruthiesea

    Iran Nuclear Threat Accelerating because of Joe Biden

    Contrary to what the article says this actually started when the United States withdrew from the nuclear inspection treaty allowing Iran free rein to produce weapons grade uranium. Does anybody remember who was the president who withdrew us from it?
  5. ruthiesea

    Gun Deaths among US Children and Teens Rose 50% in Two Years

    I searched for about 5 minutes and found two studies that showed that people who live in homes with guns are far more likely to be the victims of gun violence. This included homicides, accidental shootings, and suicides. The number of justifiable homicides was comparatively small.
  6. ruthiesea

    Phone threat closes school that planned After School Satan Club meetings; superintendent considers review of club's approval

    If you believe that Satan cannot be defeated by G-d then you do not believe in an all powerful G-d. Satan is a servant of the Almighty. Take the book of Job for example. He could only do to Job what G-d allowed him to do.
  7. ruthiesea

    Should parents be judged for their kid's crimes?

    Yes or no depend on the circumstances. There is no clear cut answer.
  8. ruthiesea

    What are you currently watching?

    Prime Suspect. It’s the American version with Maria Bello. Good show. Unfortunately it only lasted one season.
  9. ruthiesea

    What was Hamas thinking???

    Hamas set a trap and Israel fell into it. They wanted to provoke Israel into killing Arabs and be the bad guys. However, it also resulted in Muslim Arabs killing Muslim Arabs. There are Muslims Israelis in the IDF. Just like Jewish and Christian Israelis they are fighting for the continued...
  10. ruthiesea

    Respect for diversity without respect

    I wasn’t paid to like the people I worked with. I’m was, however, paid to work with them and to get the job done.
  11. ruthiesea

    All Good and Bad is from God

    G-d gives us the freedom to decide on our actions. He also teaches us righteousness. Except in cases of physical or mental defects we must look in the mirror if we want to know who is to blame for our bad actions. “The devil made me do it” is a cop out.
  12. ruthiesea

    Public Service and Religion

    I agree 100%. If you cannot give everybody the same level of service then you are in the wrong profession.
  13. ruthiesea

    Have you ever met anyone famous?

    An officer on one of my squads arrested her for shoplifting/petit theft. She was living in a city near us. unfortunately she passed away shortly after that. She was a grand lady, an actresses and an inventor.
  14. ruthiesea

    Have you ever met anyone famous?

    I did an amateur play (Stalag 17) with Charles Napier shortly before he went to Hollywood. Not all that famous but he did quite a few movies and tv shows. I met Hedy Lamarr under less than ideal circumstances. Kirk Douglas when he visited a friend’s family who lived in my building. I had seen...