Recent content by Richard T

  1. R

    Car on fire. I missed a big opportunity.

    Thanks for sharing your heart on this. All I will say is we all have regrets that we missed God in saying something to someone. Usually all we can do is confess them and move on. I will be bold here though and say since you likely know her home, I think it would be interesting to consider just...
  2. R

    Is this an end time thing?

    Yes it is happening. A pastor visiting my church preached a whole sermon on this. I recall it plainly cause it explained alot to me. He quoted Luke 18:8 (KJV) 8 I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth? The point...
  3. R

    Being a Christian and hardships

    I too am sorry for all your hardships. Given that you are unsure about the law of Moses, I think you probably have other misconceptions about God too. Jesus fulfilled the law and when you were born again you got the Holy Spirit residing on the inside of you. "The Bible sometimes says the “Spirit...
  4. R

    Why God created worship music

    Is it a law? I suppose not though there are quite a few scriptures indicating that it is something one should do. Probably more on the side of giving. Giving sparingly, reap sparingly. There are other ways to worship God though than just singing or playing an instrument. Clapping, shouting...
  5. R

    Why God created worship music

    Here's 100 scriptures relating to worship in the word of God. What Does the Bible Say About Worship God In Heaven? We will do this in heaven so I would just go ahead and not just accept it but embrace it. I get it though that some can't sing at all. You could probably practice on your own and be...
  6. R

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    Nothing I know of in the USA though I read in the UK it is unlawful. On an airsoft gun it is illegal to remove the orange tip in Washington state or purchase one below the age of 18. I would assume that would apply to bb guns too? Lots of details to sort out in this case. I'll add that reports...
  7. R

    Past sins are destroying my ambition to serve

    There are some good posts in here. Yes, you are forgiven, the condemnation is not from God. Paul was forgiven and he was a chief sinner. You think the prodigal son was not well-received? God is faithful and just to forgive. Faithful in that he will do it, just in that the blood of Jesus has...
  8. R

    The Friend Zone

    An escort is a bad idea that is kind of deceptive among other things. You can help yourself by making friends of some women and circulating a bit more. You could also flash some cash, buy an expensive sports car etc., but you would then likely attract some undesirables. Better to just believe...
  9. R

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    Allegedly, the security guard said he thought it was a glock and the gun was in the pocket. One of the second teens also had a BB gun, it was the other teen though that reached into his waistband or at least that is what the guard alleges. No mention of any receipt yet, or when the guns were...
  10. R

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    The story is still unfolding. A second teen also had a bb gun and his story is that he was having trouble with the magazine and wanted it checked out. The other teen had the gun in his pocket. So no outward carrying in this article. Still sad, but I'll wait to pass judgment. Washington man...
  11. R

    Good Guy with a Gun Prevents Teen from Returning Malfunctioning Airsoft Pistol to Sporting Goods Store

    I looked the story up but it lacks lots of details. So better to wait for all the evidence as to the "returning the gun story" and the potential criminal history of the three juveniles. Why would anyone return a gun and not place it in a bag? No doubt the shooting is not justified, but a 2...
  12. R

    RNC makes plans for trump to accept nomination from prison

    Sure they would ramp up security for Trump, the Secret Service already has plans for that. But if Trump goes to jail he should get no special treatment. Perhaps he can call the convention collect if it is the right time for a phone call and the number is one of the fifteen on his list. Note he...
  13. R

    Good Reasons to Trust a Courtroom, Over a Scientific Laboratory

    Too bad the article does not discuss lying witnesses, unethical lawyers, evidence that is forbidden to be introduced, judges bias in all the decision-making and juries that are quite fickle. Also, in science testing is reproduced by others to verify findings. To do that in a courtroom you would...
  14. R

    Rep. Paul Gosar introduces legislation creating $500 Trump bill

    I guess if I had to choose a moral President with bad policies versus a immoral President with good policies, I might choose the latter. Sadly, there are few moral Presidents with good policies. Truman perhaps the closest in the last 100 years though some would disagree since he dropped the atom...
  15. R

    Fasting & Feeling Pointless.

    I pray you do find balance. God leads with peace and fasting can become like a "work" that you have to use to earn God's love. Sensitive people can especially feel like they have not done enough but in reality, the work is done, we just rest and through God's grace we can learn to serve where...