Recent content by Revelation1217

  1. R

    The Almost Unbelievable Facts About Obamacare

    #1) A National Health identification card will be issued to all Americans. #2) You can keep your current doctor IF the government medical boards allow it. #3) You can keep your current insurance IF your insurance company does not go out of business because they can't compete with the new...
  2. R

    The Sacrificial Altar For The Jewish Temple In Jerusalem Is Being Rebuilt!

    The sacrifical altar for the Jewish Temple in Jersualem is being rebuilt right now. Just check it out: The Last Days What exciting times we live in. We are seeing the last days being played out right before our very eyes!
  3. R

    Cultural Disharmony

    Instead of trying to find someone to blame, I wish more people would take responsibility and would try to do what they can to fix things.
  4. R

    What are you drinking? (2)

    Orange juice
  5. R

    :: Perhaps I Don't Have A Purpose? ::

    I appreciate all of the helpful information that people are posting. I don't always agree with all of the opinions here, but at least people are trying to help each other out.
  6. R


    Sometimes you have to love atheists into the kingdom because often they won't listen to logic.
  7. R you think the US is going to be forced to covert from dollars to euro?

    As bleak as things may seem sometimes, it is important for us to have the attitude that we will never, ever give up. There is always reason for hope if you are standing on the truth.
  8. R

    What age do you think is too old to get married?

    I think that we are missing the bigger picture here. -
  9. R

    Does the Roman Church focus on Peter too much

    What I do appreciate is that people on this forum are not afraid to express what they really think.
  10. R

    U.S. Apology Overdue

    A very interesting article - thanks for posting that
  11. R

    Japan's New robot

    Thanks for sharing that - that is truly extraordinary What will they think of next?
  12. R

    We Are Captured by Political Forces

    As bad as things are, sometimes we just need to remember that there are a lot of people out there who are having even a more difficult time than we are.
  13. R

    Televangelist verses home church

    You want to be very cautious with a lot of people on television these days
  14. R

    The Bible and What's In It (A question)

    The gospel of Matthew was originally written in Hebrew - just so you know
  15. R

    The Encouragement Thread

    We all need more vitamin "E" (encouragement) that is for sure