RandyPNW's latest activity

  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread How To Understand : Acts 2:38.
    Yes, I do "comprehend!" ;) I simply disagree with you. When Paul mentioned "his Gospel" he was not distinguishing it from anybody else...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread The fewer friends the better?.
    I've been as angry as anybody in the Christian church. But I want to be more like Jesus. I don't mean this at all in the self-righteous...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Jobs friends and family.
    Simply brilliant! :)
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW reacted to mourningdove~'s post in the thread Jobs friends and family with Like Like.
    Does seem like it often happens that way, and I suppose there are alot of reasons for it. What I've come to learn is that it is hard...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread How To Understand : Acts 2:38.
    I'm not sure that's true. I do think he failed to fully comprehend what he had been taught, but Paul had to bring it forcefully back to...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Paul's : Doctrine #1.
    Yes, Jesus became the source of eternal righteousness just as the "one God" had been for Israel the exclusive source of their hope for...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Paul's : Doctrine #1.
    I don't think Paul was as "unique" in his view of the truth as we often may think. The problem is, in my view, that it is common in...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Jobs friends and family.
    My own experience is that I came to learn how quickly people judge you by appearances, or do not wish to be bothered with your problems...
  • RandyPNW
    Paul was highly educated, and God used that education to reach out with the Gospel. Our cultural upbringing and personal experiences can...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Things that i hate.
    Sometimes we may find ourselves so distressed with the sin in our surroundings that we want to live out in the wilderness. That's fine...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread Politics and Sabbath. Isaiah 58.
    I'm not sure what "fasting from judging" means? We do not temporarily set aside "judging." Rather, we "die" to it--we completely cast it...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread The poor have no friends..
    This is, to me, a mixed message. The Scriptures do not oppose wealth, nor do they insult poverty. It depends on circumstances. God...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread All authority.
    Right, the alternative thinking sometimes is that there are two gods, and not just one. For example, Marcion saw the Demiurge as being...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread All authority.
    God's authority operates through His word, through His plan. And the dictates of His plan include free choice for Man. This will all be...
  • RandyPNW
    RandyPNW replied to the thread House of prayer or politics?.
    I agree too, but there is a false piety that dictates to all Christians what they should do or not do, what they should talk about or...