Recent content by psychologymajor

  1. P

    Dear Fellow Christian Parents,

    I have to say it was sad to hear that both my kids (16 and 18 years old, believers but not really practicing Christianity) actually wanted to go to youth group and feel included, but being that they are a little different (high functioning Autism), though really not much different than typical...
  2. P

    Autism and martial arts?

    Here is my long answer (I’m passionate about this topic)... Martial Arts is a wonderful way for kids to learn self respect, self discipline, and how to defend oneself. I myself was diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder 15 years ago and know my life would have been IMMENSELY improved hadn’t parents...
  3. P

    Daughter wants to join LGBTQ school club

    Thank you all for your responses and effort in helping me determine what to do. By the way, my daughter does have friends who are not in the club and one friend in the club. Here is the big issue: my daughter was depressed at age 12 and so I took her to the pediatrician. After talking to my...
  4. P

    Daughter wants to join LGBTQ school club

    My daughter is 15 and is on the autism spectrum. I won't get too into that other than to say it's common for girls on the spectrum to reject their femininity due to the inability to tolerate puberty and deal with all he "girl" things. So after numerous docs and psychs pushed the idea she is...
  5. P

    University Nueropyschiatric Hospital Brainwashed my Girl

    So long, but such a stressful and horrible two years. My family has gone through so much heartache. Not only do we have a son with autism, our daughter was just diagnosed bipolar. On a good note, my husband and I are in the process of healing our marriage, and our family. Once I let go and...