Recent content by psalmbody

  1. psalmbody

    Texas Snow is Fake!!!

    Yikes. I saw a tik-tok of someone saying that Bill Gates sent the 'fake snow' lol and I don't know how that correlates.
  2. psalmbody

    Knowing what the truth is.

    This is going to be a little controversial, but some denominations are biblically sound while others are essentially man-made, the views and interpretations of another person. But as long as we know the real Jesus and God, what He did for us and believe He resurrected and that He saves, then we...
  3. psalmbody

    Why doesn’t God heal me?

    I would definitely recommend a book called "God's Brilliant Plan" by Mark Drake, in which he speaks about the worst five years of his life and how he thought he would never recover. There's also a youtuber named Aaron Kim and how he deals with things that you've mentioned. I hope this helps.
  4. psalmbody

    Why doesn’t God heal me?

    Hey, this was posted a few years ago and I wanted to ask how you're doing?
  5. psalmbody

    Prayer for my unbelief in Jesus

    I know this was posted two years ago, but any updates? I truly hope God has revealed himself to you.
  6. psalmbody

    A bit of a confusing situation.

    I don't use reddit anymore because I find websites like christianforums more enriching. It would be best to leave it alone but if you're itching to reply to him then i would suggest redirecting him to the forums. Kinda sounds like he thinks Paul is the messiah lol.
  7. psalmbody


    I don't know if anyone posts here anymore but if you see this I'm looking for friends my age :D
  8. psalmbody

    If they're going to believe anyway, why evangelize?

    Well there are people who don’t know the true Jesus, maybe their views of Him were tainted by other religions or unbelievers. Maybe you have been called to do so so that a certain person can soften their heart and finally accept Jesus. Maybe someone needs to hear it as a confirmation or maybe it...
  9. psalmbody

    Is Grandma in Heaven?

    I always used to wonder about this as a child, because it says on judgement day that he’ll judge the living and the dead, implying that they are still to be judged. I don’t think that God leaves people in sort of an asleep way, like their souls are sleeping or something. But as silly as this...
  10. psalmbody


    I know that most people here will say KJV is their favourite translation, but what are some other good translations? I personally like NLT and the message(despite the controversy lol). Just wondering.
  11. psalmbody

    What is the most supernatural experience you've ever had?

    I would say mine was when I was cleaning out the garage, and I had been praying for purpose at the time. So I emptied out this box and I found a book entitled the purpose driven life by Rick Warren, and I thought it was kinda freaky but I didn't think much of it. I started asking God random...
  12. psalmbody

    Saved from Atheism

    I would just like to say that your testimony helped me. I stumbled around to the dark side of youtube (religious debates lol) and I stupidly read comments from atheists bashing Christians, saying that we're so quick to call on our "imaginary friend" and that "we're just talking to ourselves." I...
  13. psalmbody

    Hey :)

    I'm Caitlyn and I'm just here to find encouragement and to encourage.