Recent content by Ph413

  1. P

    Is Slipknot Christian or Anti Christian? Can Christians Listen to Slipknot?

    Thanks everyone for your replies, everyone's opinion was greately appreciated. I wouldn't describe Slipknot as making me sin. To be honest, none of the bands I listen to do. It's just that I enjoy the energy and that metal sound. Will definitely look into bands you listed, but I'll have to...
  2. P

    Is Slipknot Christian or Anti Christian? Can Christians Listen to Slipknot?

    Quick disclaimer for the title: want to get opinion from metal listeners that are christians so all of you who are saying "metal is devil's music" etc. please avoid commenting here because a non-argumented opinions are unnecessary. I'm aware that similar topics have been active before, but it...
  3. P

    What if you "know" that god does not exist

    Well, regarding the Gospels, let me copy here something I've found that can illustrate how the writings can actually be restored: "Let me illustrate how such a test can be made. It will help you see how scholars confidently reconstruct an original from conflicting manuscripts that are centuries...
  4. P

    What if you "know" that god does not exist

    Sorry for not being able to respond earlier. Ok, so let's look at polytheism. Polytheism is the view that there is more than one god. These gods come from nature or were once men, who became gods. As such, they are contingent and finite. Universe is eternal. We know that everything had a...
  5. P

    What if you "know" that god does not exist

    True. My problem is that I assumed that he lives in a Christian environment so I thought that, if he would to research God, then it would be much easier to do it through Jesus Christ. I think you are totally right. There are a lot of religions and, of course, because they are different at their...
  6. P

    What if you "know" that god does not exist

    Hello Martin. I don't know if you are still into this topic because long time has passed since you created it. Anyway, I just saw it and after briefly looking at other people's answers I decided to give you mine, but also, I would like to point out some things that could be a good research point...
  7. P

    Does God Love Everyone, "Unconditionally"?

    I think that it's bad to just take out single verse from entire passage. If we take a look at it as a whole: 1 John 2:1-6 So, here we see that he is writting to let you know so that you DON'T sin. 1 John 2:12 Our sins have been forgiven. 1 John 2:15-17 Don't love the world, because if you love...
  8. P

    Does God Love Everyone, "Unconditionally"?

    Here is how stuff goes. God's love is UNCONDITIONAL and there is no other way around it. Now, I will quote here, since its one of the best Christian websites for this type of questions: God’s love, as described in the Bible, is clearly unconditional in that His love is...
  9. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    Well that happens to be the case but the important thing is that the person have heard the Gospel and willingly rejected it. I think that in that case we are to leave that person because they are mocking the Gospel and find another person who dind't heard the Gospel and would be willing to hear...
  10. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    I have 5 questions I would like atheist to answer for me (but they can't) since the answer obviously points to God: 1) Why is there something rather than nothing ? 2) Why is universe fine tuned ? 3) Where did the first life came from ? 4) Why is there objective morality ? 5) Where did...
  11. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    Guess Talmud is not the best source to try get Jesus since the source you just showed and another one I just briefly read say that it's not the same person as in the Gospels. Sincerely, I'm not into researching this topic about Talmud anymore since I don't find it that much worthy comparing to...
  12. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    That may be true but I personally think that finding same type of evidence from multiple sources is more of a guarantee that evidence is true than finding lot of information from just one source. Still to say, sources I listed didn't had Jesus as main character of observation. Regarding Talmud's...
  13. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    You are making this conversation funny. Can't you say anything for proof I was typing for 10 minutes ? I mean, it's not like I can go swim and find that in person and everything regarded to this chariot you are so obsessed about is very much like the same story, I couldn't find very much counter...
  14. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    Excuse me, there is no blind faith here. Just look at the small amount of evidence I listed above on historical evidence of Jesus. It doesn't take blind faith to believe this, it takes normal person's reason to believe it. I find that not believing in it without saying why is just ignorrant...
  15. P

    Pretend I'm an atheist. How would you convert me?

    Well let me put it this way. If we take, for an example, the historical evidence of Jesus, the question here is how reliable is the evidence. Existence of somebody who lived 2000 years ago can only be found in historical documents. If we take evidence from reliable sources I would find evidence...