Recent content by Peppermint Orange

  1. P

    12 Pieces Of Proof: The MSM Knew Obama Spied On Trump and LIED To Cover It Up

    It would not surprise me if true. Journalist are corrupt.
  2. P

    Are you Pro or Con vaccines?

    As I was thinking, it isn't a paper that will change many minds. Those that do not want to believe will continue to do so, and those that do believe will, on this hotly debated topic. I did enjoy the previous article on the sight. Both sides on the debate should want to see further...
  3. P

    Are you Pro or Con vaccines?

    I don't follow the hotly debated vaccine debate all that much. I did see this bit of information the other day. Hopefully with this important topic there will be more calls for studies to examine the health of those that have been vaccinated verses those that have not been vaccinated...
  4. P

    Morning work out

    I've begun a new workout for me. I've been walking outside in the morning without wearing sunglasses. The two ideas being to exercise, and also being exposed to sunlight helping to wake me up and brighten my mood. It's similar to what I've about SAD lights. So far I've lost around 10lbs...
  5. P

    Are you Pro or Con vaccines?

    I say both. This is a religion sight so this might not be the best place to say this. Much of medicine, such as vaccinations, is in part religious. It takes faith to believe. When one looks into vaccines, and the story behind them supposedly ridding the western world of diseases, I came to...
  6. P

    Obama Care in Trouble

    America's health care system does have a lot of problems. I'm not a fan of our system overall. Obamacare did not fix many problems. I have doubts a new system will be much of an improvement. Time will tell though. It is outside of our government health program in that I did recently...
  7. P

    Obamacare horror stories

    For me, my complaints were that I was dropped by health insurance companies twice. The price of insurance kept going up also. Before the ACA I was paying a little over $100 month. If I had continued with health insurance through the exchanges insurance costs would have been around $600 a...
  8. P

    One-Quarter of US Households Now Live Without Cable or Satellite TV Service

    I cut the cord. I canceled my Satellite TV and Satellite Radio subscriptions a few years ago. I stopped watching TV news around that time. I didn't care for some of the Satellite radio DJs and the music selection wasn't all that great. It's been nice to save the money. I don't miss...
  9. P

    Sugar: When is enough ?

    I can sympathize. I wish weight loss and achieving good health was a simple item to figure out. The rice diet of all carbs resulting in weight loss is an awkward diet for the low carb community. I've seen some try to explain why the rice diet results in weight loss, despite the high insulin...
  10. P

    Sugar: When is enough ?

    Congratulations on your weight loss and feeling better. I tend to eat lower carb myself and have for years. It has done well at keeping me thin. The diet also helped improve, but was not a cure, a stomach condition. When it comes to diet for weight loss from what I have learned I think one...
  11. P

    Blood Pressure

    I was recently discussing blood pressure measurements with my father. Our discussion went along these lines. Dad felt his blood pressure was going up to much and was considering blood pressure medications. I pointed out that there are studies finding lowing moderate high blood pressure does...
  12. P

    Sugar: When is enough ?

    Food for thought, I've seen mention that our consumption of sugar has been decreasing since 1999. Our waist line though has continued to increase. Some on this can be read and seen here in some charts. Carbohydrate, Sugar, and Obesity in America...
  13. P

    Does anyone on here suffer from Fibromyalgia?

    Thanks for the reply and information and LDN. Much appreciated. And apologize for the very late response. For some reason I missed the e-mail. That makes very good sense. As you mention and from what I've read opiate pain medications should be out of the system before taking LDN, or...
  14. P

    Looks Like That Obamacare Backroom Deal is Working Out Great for Big Pharma!

    I'm not terribly surprised to read that. It has been the trend over the decades with health care costs increasing with increased government involvement. I imagine until some form of new system is created providing incentives for patients to shop around and look for bargains, costs for...
  15. P

    Why don't Americans make more noise about their healthcare?

    It is true that there is a good deal of waste and fraud in the health care system. As one former doctor told, she left the medical field and began work in an entirely different area once she realized medicine has little to do with health care. At the time I suspected she was talking about all...