Recent content by pastel-princess

  1. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    I feel bad for bumping this, but my anxiety and depression has been going through the roof. I feel awful that I've been lacking praying and focusing on God. I feel a way, because I haven't been praying, things haven't changed. I'm trying my best to hang in there and go back to my...
  2. pastel-princess

    Prayers for the buyers of our home

    My parents and I are in desperate need of prayers right now. So we have been trying to sell our house for over a year and almost a month ago, we FINALLY got a bid on a price we accept. We were so excited and finally moving forward by even house hunting. After our potential buyers did a house...
  3. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    Hello everyone. It's been ages since I last posted here. I guess I should add an update. It's been a little over two months since I last heard from Josey. These last two months have been painful for me. On and off crying, feeling miserable, still holding onto hope. I wanted to see if Josey...
  4. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    I just wanted to thank everyone that has been praying for us and the situation as well as the ones that have reached out to me. It truly means so much that you're all praying for us and our situation. I still get sad and miss talking to him, but after seeing how many people re praying for us and...
  5. pastel-princess

    CF Staff Member In Need of Urgent Prayer

    Oh no! I will definitely be praying for him to wake up from the coma, for a speedy recovery, and for God to protect him.
  6. pastel-princess


    Hello and welcome! I hope you enjoy your time here. Also gotta love the Digimon icon c:
  7. pastel-princess

    URGENT prayers needed to remove fear and anxiety attacks...

    Of course! I'll be praying for you c:
  8. pastel-princess

    Please pray for my best friend

    Sending prayers to your friend.
  9. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    Thank you all for continue praying for me. I haven't heard from him in a week and I don't know what to do. The depression I have due to this has affected me negatively. I have trouble focusing at work, in school, and it's getting to me mentally. I know the promises God placed in my heart for us...
  10. pastel-princess

    Prayers for a new job

    Praying that you get this job!
  11. pastel-princess

    Save our relationship

    You are truly in my situation. My boyfriend has been distance with me for two months and he suddenly texted me a week ago telling me he doesn't love me anymore and he doesn't want me to be with him and how he is sorry for who he has become, yet I asked God many times for clarification and He...
  12. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    Thank you all so much for the prayers. I wanted to add an update since so much has happened within the last 24 hours. It's long so get ready. I decided to change my prayers and actually speak to God (as in have a conversation). In so long, I haven't had a conversation with God, so it was...
  13. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    You're right, I don't want to put mental health problems on here. I really hope I hear from him soon because I'm not sure how long I can hang on. Thank you so much.
  14. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    Thank you. I'm just so scared for my mental health and confused on what to do and I just wish he'd response to me...
  15. pastel-princess

    Asking for prayers for my boyfriend and our relationship

    I apologize for double posting, but I'm struggling. It's been a month now since I last heard from my boyfriend. I thought he was just not using his phone at all, but I noticed earlier tonight he posted on his instagram (which he never told me about, I had to find out on my own but he assumed he...