Recent content by Palmfever

  1. P

    What Law is in or to be in our hearts

    Something else? If so explain The law of liberty in Christ. We are set free from the law and their works will save no one. Galatians 1:13 For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. 14 For all...
  2. P

    I am seeking answers on multiple questions about Christianity as a muslim that is curious and lost

    Regarding the difference between Jesus in Islam and Christianity, how do Christians reconcile the concept of Jesus being the Son of God with the belief in monotheism? We are human, He is God. We are a spirit living in a physical body. We speak human words. He is a Spirit that for a time put on a...
  3. P

    Pray that Slovakia's Prime Minister immediately & completely is healed of all injuries & wounds caused by the assassination attempt on his life

    Why? After five years in opposition, Fico’s party won parliamentary elections last year on a pro-Russian and anti-American platform. He vowed to bring an end to Slovakia providing Ukraine with...
  4. P

    Free will and determinism

    Sorry about the link, I"ll look into it. It may be that it is a paid subscription and unavailable otherwise.
  5. P

    Free will and determinism

    Another interesting read. Excerpt from: Agency Your decision-making ability is a superpower physics can't explain We have at least one big clue where to dig: the way agency changes the future, but not the past. “We think of agency in a time-oriented way,” says Rovelli. “We do something...
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    Free will and determinism

    Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw confront the black hole information paradox All of which suggests space-time is emergent, but what is it emerging from, exactly, and how? JF: It’s become clear over the past decade that entanglement is a key feature. Basically, think of the surface of the ball as lots...
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    Free will and determinism

    Free will, Science is uncertain. God asks us to "chose this day who you will serve." … When the first simple life forms appeared on Earth about 3.7 billion years ago, one of their most interesting essential qualities was that they did stuff. Before that, things happened: grains of sand tumbled...
  8. P

    Does Fear Negate Faith?

    King David expressed fear of Saul and enemies, yet he was called a man after Gods heart.
  9. P

    It doesn't make sense to act like Fox News is untrustworthy

    I found those 2 also on non bias rating sites. Along with News Nation, Pew Research, Christion science monitor. It is easy to consider news outlets biased when we disagree with there spin. I would prefer, no opinion, no spin. Does such a newspaper exist? I think newspapers cater to their...
  10. P

    Kristie Noem's Unfortunate Book

    South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem is doubling down on her decision to shoot and kill her 14-month-old dog, Cricket, 20 years ago, saying that she shot the “dangerous” dog in order to protect her children. “We were her second chance,” Noem said Wednesday evening on Fox News’ “Hannity.” “The day she...
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    Kristie Noem's Unfortunate Book

    Who cares about Mac. And, the dog needed to be put down if it was attempting to bite her and killing animals.
  12. P

    I’m not sure if I should try anymore

    Did you do this? Paul did. If you are being convicted, you are not gone.
  13. P

    Kali Linux

    Try a dual system and play with it.
  14. P

    Dark matter, dark energy, and spiritual realm

    We live in a cosmic void so empty that it breaks the laws of cosmology
  15. P

    Can I ask God to make me hit lottery?

    You may ask Him whatever you like. Solomon however responded thus: 1 Kings, 3:4 The king went to Gibeon to offer sacrifices, for that was the most important high place, and Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar. 5 At Gibeon the Lord appeared to Solomon during the night in a...