Recent content by Nicole Roberson

  1. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    I don’t want to give up on this battle I mean.
  2. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    I often have struggled with what’s true and what isn’t in my mind, what I really think and feel. And I’m just...I don’t want to give up.
  3. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    Just prayed for you...I’m really disturbed. Honestly...I’m so disturbed by how I’m not reacting to it very much, but just sitting here, staring blankly into the dark of my living room. Thoughts are telling I don’t care and that I don’t feel anything. And that’s disturbing me...I’m so scared by...
  4. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    My stomach feels sick.
  5. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    I don’t feel good right now...I can’t sleep.
  6. Nicole Roberson

    Scared I Committed the Unpardonable Sin

    I am absolutely terrified. That doesn’t even begin to describe the word. It just happened moments ago. I don’t know what to think. One of the worst things is when it happened, I wasn’t crying. But I was screaming in my head noooooo! I shouted at the thoughts as they were flying in, screaming...
  7. Nicole Roberson

    Why Do I Feel Like Everything I Do is a Sin?

    It just gets really frustrating and at times it’s like no matter what, my mind finds something to overthink and just the cycle continues. I’m learning to discern these things that are not of God, and not me me, you know what I mean, but compulsions, OCD, thoughts that just distort things. And...
  8. Nicole Roberson

    Why Do I Feel Like Everything I Do is a Sin?

    You are right about so many things. I really for one thing is I need to keep counseling that I get to only my mom and pastors, the people in my personal life who I trust. Of course I trust in the Lord for it all that I can truly sit out and talk about things with people, and the help I get, that...
  9. Nicole Roberson

    In Serious Need of Prayer Pt. 1

    I can tell you that this is not God leading me. God is not an author of confusion or disorder. I’ve felt nothing but condemnation over every little thing, like I was having a meltdown.You don’t know the turmoil that I’ve gone through over a course of months...the sickness I’ve felt over this...
  10. Nicole Roberson

    In Serious Need of Prayer Pt. 1

    Yes! Yes, exactly, it really sucks...let’s talk about this, over the phone hopefully tomorrow? Let me know whenever you’re available.
  11. Nicole Roberson

    In Serious Need of Prayer Pt. 1

    You’re not wrong. I’m gradually prying myself off of the internet but then I impulsively research stuff and I’m just repeatedly deleting articles or threads I bookmarked. It really messed up my I was trying to find people who happen to have the same problem, but really I need to get...
  12. Nicole Roberson


    If you ever want to talk in private over the phone or the private message here I would love to talk to you more. I’ve been reading your messages and I know how you feel...I could really see someone to talk to too.
  13. Nicole Roberson

    I Wrote New Posts

    Yes, that's exactly right. I know without a doubt the devil continues to try stealing the Word from my heart and any sound advice i've received from Pastors and those close to me. No doubt the devil is trying to keep me in a continuous loop of confusion and doubt. No doubt he's using stuff...
  14. Nicole Roberson

    My Recent Posts

    Hi, Here are my most recent posts. I started some that are sort of journal entries, that I would appreciate if some of you read in your spare time. They're about my scrupulosity (spiritual ocd) and they're under the OCD section. I would just really appreciate prayer too. Thank you guys so...