Recent content by nick garai

  1. nick garai

    Post a picture of your Kippah here

    Hi. If you wear a kippah post a picture of it here!
  2. nick garai

    Fantastic Diorama Projects

    I made a diorama for miniature wargaming many years ago. It was lots of fun. I plan on doing more dioramas when I get a bigger space
  3. nick garai

    to those who married a non-believer - was it better than singleness?

    Do not marry a non-believer. I did this to my ex-wife and she committed adultery on me. We had two children and I am blessed because of it however she did not have the same values that I did. I should not have gotten involved with her. It was a mistake. I thought I loved her but I put my...
  4. nick garai

    What is your favorite movie of all time?

    I wasn't to thrilled with the sequel. They made TRON a bad guy. That sucked.
  5. nick garai

    Jesus is not returning for a very long time yet...

    I have heard that refrain so often that Christ can return at any time and yet the world keeps on ticking. God said in the Old Testament that He wants humanity to inhabit the wastelands of the Earth. So far only a small percentage of the Earth is inhabited. There are still vast tracts of land...
  6. nick garai

    What is your favorite movie of all time?

    My favorite movie of all time is TRON from the 1980's. It was awesome. I loved it.
  7. nick garai

    Remembering Kmart....

    I remember Kmart when I was a kid in the 80's. It was synonymous with Atari 2600. I would go in there and test try the Atari games on their demo consoles. It was great growing up as a kid in the 80's.
  8. nick garai

    Whats your favorite song from the 80s ?

    I loved Making Love out of Nothing at all by Air Supply and Mend these Broken Wings by Mister Mister
  9. nick garai

    Newly divorced

    Sometime divorces happen. I went through one. In time with the L-rd's help you will find peace again.
  10. nick garai

    Glad to be divorced

    When my ex-wife divorced me I was heart broken and could not believe that it was happening to me. She was not a Christian and I was a Messianic Jewish believer but was not practicing at the time. Anyhow, I was very disillusioned from the experience. I am now over her and hope she has found...
  11. nick garai


    I am part of CLA (Christian Life Assembly) here in Maple Ridge. CLA is part of the PAOC (I think). Anyone here part of CLA in any of their campuses?
  12. nick garai

    Pentecostals and the Holocaust

    I have strong Jewish heritage in my family line on my father's side. I was wondering if there are any Pentecostals here who know what role Pentecostals played during the Holocaust? What did they do?
  13. nick garai

    Success in business venture

    Hello everyone. I have started an online business and would like it to succeed. Please pray that it will do well. I really believe that it is G-d's will and am honoring Him with it. Thank you!
  14. nick garai

    a quick prayer

    May G-d's will be done and if it is meant to be then it will happen!
  15. nick garai

    Today I am Thankful to God for:

    I am thankful for being employed. It was a long time that I was unemployed and it was really frustrating. I am also thankful for the apartment I am living in. I am thankful for the bus I catch to work each day and I am thankful for my meals. I am thankful that I can still talk with my father...