Recent content by newme20

  1. newme20

    Losing salvation

    Also I wanted to ask you a question. Did you get to a point were you began to not believe anymore. Or almost scoff at Christianity? It feels like my mind is completely atheistic and detached from the word. As the scripture says spiritual things are foolish to unbelievers because they are...
  2. newme20

    Losing salvation

    This helped alot thanks.
  3. newme20

    Losing salvation

    Thanks for this.
  4. newme20

    Why Can't I Feel the Holy Spirit Anymore? Have I Lost It?

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left? this is my testimony check it out if you want and anybody eltce if you guys want. If you all don't belive you can do anything to lose the holy spirit I belive your only fooling yourselves. I belive you all no deep inside that if...
  5. newme20

    Why Can't I Feel the Holy Spirit Anymore? Have I Lost It?

    Were you led by the spirit and born again, and began to be separated from your old life as you identified in christ? And was the holy spirit leading you to kill your sin at any time? And were you rejoicing with joy inexpressible like the scripture says? If this was not you then you were not born...
  6. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    Are you able to see all the reply I make on this thread?
  7. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    If that the right word, I accidently hit send on that master message to early so I'm finishing it here. As jesus said I feel as though I have gained the whole world but lost the soul, my wisdom is with me but as Solomon said it is meaningless and it doesn't sallve only jesus saves.
  8. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    No one around me knows for shure, and when I try to tell them they just don't belive me, or belive I wasn't saved to begin with, they dout me which breaks my heart more. So I am completely isolated with no one to cry out to, I feel as I have already begun hell on earth, as I can't lean on my...
  9. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    Truly I have not once tried to save myself. I hade a firm foundation of the gospel and new christs voice. What I did was intentionally disobeying gods explicit commands in scripture in full awareness of the consequences. I part by part dismantled like a sikopath the conviction of the holy spirit...
  10. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    Are you able to see my reply to this I replied to it on blades post maybe one of you can tell me what you think or if you still feel the same thanks?
  11. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    I wish it were true but it's not im afraid, god will take his spirit from us. he will leave us and forsake us. God says I will never leave you nor forsake you to Joshua then he says to Joshua he needs to meditate on his law day and night being carefull to do according to the law of Moses and not...
  12. newme20

    Can we get the spirit back after we have disobeyed him and he left?

    8 years ago I disobeyed the leading and conviction of god I new he wanted me to give something up but I didn't and held on. That led to me tripping up and falling into bigger sin. In that prosses the holy spirit was not quite but constantly I was convicted to turn and give up that sin and...
  13. newme20

    Losing salvation

    Thanks for the reply. I don't agree fully that are fear only comes in displeasing god after were saved. I believe when it says to fear god it means what it says otherwise how could we grieve the spirit at all in our christian life? How could we ever feel uneasy in our sin as a christian if our...
  14. newme20

    Losing salvation

    It was a couple years after I came to faith in christ. I loved the lord but like with every born again christian I struggled with the flesh. Wanting to have things in the world like to work out in a gym and stuff wich I was putting before god. I new god was calling me to just him alone. I will...