Recent content by nevb1973

  1. nevb1973

    Do you girls use tanning salons?

    Guilty! I love to tan I lay out in my yard tanning booth rarely maybe 20 times in my life. But I love the sun I feel so great after I lay out. It's my vice. I am 37 but everyone thinks I am 25 but I have good genes my mom is 71 and looks 60. So yeah I roll the dice and will probably continue to...
  2. nevb1973

    Breaking out in my 30's

    I started using Vaseline intensive rescue clinical therapy lotion on my hands which crack, I am a nurse constantly washing, and started putting it on my face. My breakouts have stopped! I even felt a zit coming up under the skin applied the lotion and in the morning gone. My DH did the same and...
  3. nevb1973

    Question Am I A Baptist?

    Thank you for that that was very nice. There are two churches in my area that are Baptist a First Baptist and an Independent bible church. My next step will have to be to check them out.
  4. nevb1973

    Do I know enough?

    This post started my day off on a great note! I feel very happy right now.
  5. nevb1973

    Question Am I A Baptist?

    Thanks. That cleared that up .Coming from a Roman Catholic background it is really hard to reference myself as a saint in any way .
  6. nevb1973

    Question Am I A Baptist?

    Thank you for the links. I read through them and they were helpful. The only thing that gave me pause is in section 26 of the " Confession of Faith" "All people throughout the world who profess the faith of the Gospel and obedience to Christ on its terms, and who do not destroy their profession...
  7. nevb1973

    Question Am I A Baptist?

    I saw the post on page 4 of this section "What kind of Baptist are You?". I was raised in A Roman Catholic environment but was never comfortable with it. Last year I began to read the bible and try to figure out my beliefs and were I am in relation to God. I feel like I may be a Baptist if that...
  8. nevb1973

    What movies caused you to be scared when you were a child?

    Jaws while I am fascinated by sharks and never miss Shark Week on the Discovery channel and loved Expedition Great White on National geographic I am afraid to do more than wade in the ocean up to my knees. I know they are waiting for me! Pools even made me nervous as a kid.
  9. nevb1973

    What are YOU currently reading? (6)

    I just read the latest Sookie Stackhouse "Dead in the Family" love the series but this book was just ok. Now reading the Nanny Diaries kind of funny so far.
  10. nevb1973

    Breaking out in my 30's

    I have to add I very rarely wear makeup. When I do it is the powder foundation type you apply with a brush.
  11. nevb1973

    Breaking out in my 30's

    I always had great skin even as teen but started to break out after 30. I am 37 mow and I always have a least one blemish on my face. They come out as large bumps that will not go away until I pop them and then I have a huge scab/crater very attractive! Acne products dry my skin and make it...
  12. nevb1973

    How to bring religion into teens lives

    I have 4 kids We have not made church or God a part of their lives. I s there a way to do this without being seen as crazy Jesus parents and my parent's have lost their minds! They have said they don't believe in God, but I said that too at their age. It just seemed way too uncool to...
  13. nevb1973

    A little prayer for me please

    I feel a little bad when I see so many who have WAY bigger problems than me! But here goes, just a little prayer for me that I may come to know the Lord and live a life pleasing to Him and that I can be a better mother and wife and bring God into the lives of my family where it is lacking now...
  14. nevb1973

    Gods Yellow Pages I liked this wanted to share

    Thank you I printed this out to keep as a reference. I will stick it in my bible and it should help me findelp and comfort there!
  15. nevb1973

    Hello Everyone

    I joined last year but haven't posted but one time. Married (2nd timer), 37 year old female 4 kids son 17 D's 15, 9 & 8. Was baptized RC, DH too, but am working on reading bible for first time and trying to decide where my place is in regards to a church. Have not been a church goer or brought...