Recent content by Melily

  1. Melily

    A Lit Candle During Prayer at Home

    Another one recently.
  2. Melily

    A Lit Candle During Prayer at Home

    I just wanted to share with my Orthodox Brothers and Sisters this photo of how the candle wax formed into the shape of The Cross during my evening prayers tonight. It really comforted my heart.
  3. Melily

    Strongs Concordance?

    I’m glad you brought this up since I was just wondering the same thing!
  4. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Thank you, that’s very much appreciated and I’m grateful!
  5. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    I read her book. It’s really good. I’ve noticed though from personal experience and having read about 40 orthodox books that nothing compares to attending services and actually trying to live it by the services, prayers and daily readings for me. I’ve had a bit of a challenge getting out of my...
  6. Melily

    Is man naturally good . . .

    Sorry to butt in. I was wondering if hamartia the Greek word for sin? Is Stong’s Concordance ok for Orthodox to use for reference or is there something preferable? Thank you Father.
  7. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Update: We are meeting soon with the priest at the OCA Parish and may not have to start our catechumen process over after all! I’m so thrilled because it was the very first parish we visited and I really wanted to be there from the beginning but at the time my husband felt it was too far to...
  8. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Thank you Andrew! I feel the same. The priest’s wife from the OCA parish we’ve been going to lately emailed me today. We have been in contact periodically since November of 2020. She asked if we were being Chrismated on Holy Saturday and I explained the situation to her and said I’d love to...
  9. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Thank you so much for the encouragement Light of the East! I have been getting a little bit discouraged but just keep praying to the Lord “As you will and as you know, have mercy” as I read from one of the Saints. I do feel I’m continuing to slowly learn and grow so that’s good. I know my...
  10. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Thank you Father. Your prayers worked very fast! Within hours of this message the priest from the Greek church emailed to check in on us. I’m very grateful.
  11. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    Thank you for replying Father Matt and Lukaris. I greatly appreciate it. I’m near Indianapolis, Indiana USA. The church we are attending right now is an OCA and nearly all the of the parishioners are converts. We started our catechumen at a Greek Orthodox Cathedral. It is a mixture of cradle and...
  12. Melily

    Catechumen process…

    *Orthodox Topic* I first learned about Orthodoxy 2 years ago and spent about 9 months reading up on it before actually attending a Divine Liturgy. In November of 2020 I convinced my husband to take me to a service. I had previously been raised culturally Protestant but wasn’t very devout or...
  13. Melily

    Man of God

    The theater where we went was only about 1/3 full.
  14. Melily

    Man of God

    His life is a great example of faithfulness and perseverance in the face of adversity. Forgive me if I offend anyone but it strikes me as an antidote to the prosperity gospel of our times. I’m truly thankful I was able to go see it with my husband.
  15. Melily

    Man of God

    We are going too. I bought the tickets last weekend in case it sold out.