Recent content by MasterpieceMesias

  1. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    Who knows?? Lool
  2. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    That is probably the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my entire 18 years on this earth. If I remember it says in The Bible that the marriage bed is supposedly undefiled. So I assume you hold the abstinence until marriage belief, so tell me then how can oral and anal sex defile something that...
  3. M

    As a teenager how often did you touch and how did you stop

    Lool, nah, it wasn't meant to provoke. I sort of act that way 2nd nature so is isn't really something that I do to intentionally annoy folks (most of the time :p). Also, Christians say that the Bible is supposed to be the basis of their lives, but they themselves hardly follow it. It would do...
  4. M

    is it ok to have sex with my girl friend

    no, not bingo. . . sometimes your logic and reason goes over your 'heart' decision. There are a lot of things in life where you won't be able to find empirical, concrete evidence that supports certain ideas, but in the end your brain has to make the decision. . . . okay I'm done arguing this...
  5. M

    Premarital sex?

    lool that's a lame reason to me. . . but hey, whatever floats your poop
  6. M

    is it ok to have sex with my girl friend

    ^^going with your 'heart' instead of your brain is a stupid idea. You have a brain for a reason, man. Not trying to discredit you, but seriously
  7. M

    Premarital sex?

    . . . . . . . yeah, it's funny because the Bible doesn't say so, there's no verse that specifically bans pre-marital sex. All of the verses and connections made are too vague and not even good enough to connect it directly to pre-marital sex. And I bet those statistics aren't legit...
  8. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    don't ask . . btw if your title says fan-girl then why is your sex male??
  9. M

    Premarital sex?

    heh heh, very bad logic. . . And no being Christian is not about suppressing natural desires. There's a huge difference between wanting to have sexual relations with someone (which is a natural desire) and the worldly desire of wanting to live a hedonistic lifestyle and sleeping with every...
  10. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    I watched this show when I was young. . . man life was good back then
  11. M

    Rock music ungodly?

    like Bill Hicks said. . if you spend your time actually playing songs and records backwards, you are satan. No doubt about it.
  12. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    brilliant, lad!! Now quickly let's go find a deer carcass and eat its heart and get some nutrients from it! bbbbbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. M

    how is masturbation a sin

    Welcome!! How are you? Yes. . . this is true this is true as well ??? what? Unhealthy addiction?? The same could be said with drinking and eating. If you overeat soon you could turn into Fat Albert. Should we stop eating altogether? Also if you get drunk a lot you could turn into Charles...
  14. M

    Your thoughts on this music

    I prefer these guys Immolation - Majesty and Decay - YouTube Bondage Goat Zombie- Belphegor - YouTube
  15. M

    As a teenager how often did you touch and how did you stop

    ^^^ please, dude. . . for a millennium people have masturbated. . Christians included. One could argue that just because lots of people do it that that doesn't automatically make it wrong, but at the same time there's a reason why some people always ask about certain things. They, in the back of...