Recent content by Mallon

  1. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    This thread reminds me of the Hovind $250,000 Challenge.
  2. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Please just answer the question, Sum1sGruj. You talk a lot, but you never respond to anyone's questions. If shared non-coding DNA (e.g., endogenous retroviruses) isn't due to descent with modification (evolution), how do you explain it?
  3. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Sure. You seem to think that organisms only share similar DNA because they look similar (that is, they share similar phenotype-coding DNA). But most organisms that look similar also share DNA that do not code for phenotype. If this shared non-coding DNA (e.g., endogenous retroviruses) isn't due...
  4. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Sum1sGruj, can you explain why organisms with similar phenotypes are also similar in non-phenotype coding genetic sequences?
  5. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Of course they have. You just chose to ignore them.
  6. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Except your questions have been competently answered, but you apparently don't have the knowledge or experience to recognize it. Papias competently answered Question 1 by pointing out that non-coding ERVs and the like also retain the same hierarchical structure across species. Question 2 has...
  7. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    But how would you know if you heard a competent reply from someone in the know if you yourself are not competently trained in the science of evolution?
  8. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Out of curiosity, what formal training do you have in science?
  9. Mallon

    A Challenge for Anti-evolutionists

    How could we ever detect God using science if we accept the biblical teaching that God is ever-present in the universe (Heb 1:3)? If God is ever-present, then there is no experiment that we could ever conduct to detect His presence because, methodologically, we could never exclude Him (i.e., no...
  10. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    Right. And a hierarchy is observed. That is, ToE predicts a hierarchy, and we observe a hierarchy, both in organismal morphology and genetics. That is evidence for evolution. Creationism neither predicts nor explains the existence of such a hierarchy. And yet you're suggesting that God...
  11. Mallon

    A Challenge for Evolutionists

    What do you mean "nothing more"? The fact that such a hierarchy exists is itself evidence for evolution because evolution is the only theory that requires such a hierarchy. Creationism predicts no such hierarchy, nor can it explain it. God can do anything He likes. He could have created the...
  12. Mallon

    A Challenge for Anti-evolutionists

    Actually, the term is "evolutionary creationist" or "theistic evolutionist". And if you've been paying attention, you will have noticed that evolutionary creationits are nothing like deists because we've been strongly advocating that God's presence in the world is constant and all-pervasive. It...
  13. Mallon

    A Challenge for Anti-evolutionists

    I'm not arguing that ToE is true, though. I'm arguing that it isn't inherently atheistic, as you're saying. Evolution does not in any way exclude God. The only way that evolution excludes God is if you hold the a priori deistic or atheistic belief that God is not present in nature. And since you...
  14. Mallon

    A Challenge for Anti-evolutionists

    Great. Then we're in agreement. God is in control of everything, including natural processes. So if you really believe this to be true, then why do you think some natural processes (like evolution) exclude God? You're contradicting yourself. Is God in control of all natural processes, or just...
  15. Mallon

    A Challenge for Anti-evolutionists

    The Bible doesn't teach evolution. Then again, the Bible isn't a science textbook, so we shouldn't expect it to teach evolution. The Bible was written to address theological concerns; therefore, to read it as science textbook is to miss the whole point of why the Scriptures were given to us...