Recent content by Lycurgus89

  1. Lycurgus89

    Does God reveal the whole Truth?

    Looking at Revelations, its kind of ridiculous for a judge to guard his judgment. When somebody's on trial, and the judge makes his decision, he tells you what's going to happen and when (or your council let you know as the trial proceeds). He doesn't mince words or write a poem and expect the...
  2. Lycurgus89

    Does God reveal the whole Truth?

    I didn't see an archive for this question. Can God reveal parts of the Truth a little at a time? For example, telling a little kid the sky is blue, then waiting until he's a little older to explain why. I don't have a problem with that approach to learning. But let's say, salvation. God conceals...
  3. Lycurgus89

    Hi I'm Lycurgus89

    Very seldom, because there so many fan missions for those two games, that I never get tired of them. I do play Daggerfall on the regular, and I replayed Deus Ex for the 20th anniversary last month. That's really it. I built a new computer last year, but the games coming out recently don't...
  4. Lycurgus89


    I don't know what happened. "But, after all, who knows, and who can say whence it all came, and how creation happened? The gods themselves are later than creation, so who knows truly whence it has arisen?" What does Moses say six days mean? The guy who supposedly wrote the books and God talked...
  5. Lycurgus89


    I'll agree that Peter and Jesus think God is eternal, but I'm also not trying to ascertain God's age. I think Moses was pretty clear what a day meant, and as the one who supposedly wrote all this down from God's own words, he should be heard. The six day cosmogony formed the basis of their whole...
  6. Lycurgus89


    No, that's fine. I know creationism can get heated, so I just wanted to know what people thought Moses believed.
  7. Lycurgus89


    That isn't even what's at stake here. If you read my post, the argument is not another creationism: fact or fiction debate. Instead, this thread is about what is meant by six day creation. Moses himself believes, if he's even the author of the pentateuch, the world was created in six days. I...
  8. Lycurgus89


    "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." This doesn't make any sense to me as establishing a pattern, unless Moses really believed the world was made in six...
  9. Lycurgus89


    I wanted to reply to this with a question of my own. Genesis 1 and the Garden story get really contentious, its loaded with implications almost like no other book but the Apocalypse. To me, I don't know, I think the universe might be uncreated or created. I've already talked about how awkward...
  10. Lycurgus89

    20s vs 30s Millennials, and perspectives of elder respect

    There's a lot of passive aggression. If you call these people out in person, they shut their mouths pretty fast. You can't do that online, so weasel-types get away with feeling big. I like to think they're compensating for getting all the wedgies.
  11. Lycurgus89

    Fellow Christians how can I stop being so guilty and shameful for my autism

    I hope you have a niece or nephew, maybe a clergy member if not, who can help prompt you to do the basic things in life. My little bro has the tism powers, and I want to be there for him, but I'll probably die before he does, and so once all his older siblings are tree food, he'll have his...
  12. Lycurgus89

    Hi I'm Lycurgus89

    I like a lot of music, but Brahms and power metal are my favorite. Are there any power metal praise and worship bands? That would be cool.
  13. Lycurgus89

    An Outsider's Questions Regarding Orthodox and Latin Churches

    Thank you, I wouldn't have known where to look for these resources.
  14. Lycurgus89

    AOC - Latinos Are Black!

    Does over half this forum register just to argue about divide and conquer human interest tabloid bs?
  15. Lycurgus89

    The Truth behind the Mask

    Bros listen, twenty whole years of the most awful superhero movies have prepared us for masks. It was all part of their plan.