Recent content by LovelyWife3

  1. L

    Would marry someone outside your race?

    I have learned that though it seems simple this question is hard to answer until you meet the person you plan to marry. I grew up around White and Hispanic people, so I assumed that I would marry someone White or Hispanic (I am African American). There are very few interracial marriages in my...
  2. L

    Let us talk masturbation.

    Thanks for posting this question. Many times masturbation is seen as a male struggle but women also have to struggle with masturbation. When I asked around many people said it was a sin and how it is self worship. I struggle with this because for so many people including myself it is a release...
  3. L

    What is your greatest frustration with having PCOS?

    Hello thehappyvirus, It is so easy to beat up on ourselves as women...even when we don't have pcos. My prayer is that God will remind you of how beautiful and valuable you are even when everything (the world, billboard/commercials, maybe even friends and family members) says the opposite...
  4. L

    Why doesn't God do what it would take to get atheists to believe he exists?

    This is an interesting question. For me I see God everywhere and I am not just saying this because I am a Christian. I am also a Biologist which also gives me a different view/stance on the world around me. Though I know how babies are made it still does not make sense that something so small...
  5. L

    Which bible?

    The New American Standard Bible is the most literal translation (NASB). I grew up with the King James Version which can be hard to understand. It helps to compare translations. For example for certain verses I like how the Message version is down to Earth and easy to understand. The New Living...
  6. L

    What is your greatest frustration with having PCOS?

    The hair that is everyone and trying to figure out if/when I am ovulating??? Oh and that many medical professionals either have not heard of PCOS or tell me the exact same thing that I read about online. My least favorite is everyone telling me to just wait or In God's Time. I know that nothing...
  7. L

    Sharing Your Spouse.....???

    I didn't expect the conversation to go so far but I am thankful for all of the helpful posts. My mother in law is from Sri Lanka which shares some similarity with Indian culture. She cooks and cleans because it gives her something to do and it is a way for her to bless us??? She won't go to a...
  8. L

    Wife is late, need advice

    Congratulations how exciting!!! I pray that your wife has a smooth/healthy pregnancy. Now is a good time for you both to get some extra sleep :). Many blessings.
  9. L

    recommend me a book!

    I really love books...but can't find the time to read :( I hope that you find some good reads. Not a Fan is a really good book Anything by Max Lucado My new read is "His Mysterious Ways" which was on clearance at Barnes and Nobles, it contains short stories events in different people lives...
  10. L

    Music and long commutes

    I really enjoy music in my car. My cd player just broke but either an I Pod or playing music through your phone would work. I just got an I Phone...against much protest ha ha... and I somehow downloaded music from my computer to my phone. The speakers on the phone are loud and you can charge...
  11. L

    Living with parents after marriage? Good or bad idea?

    This is a really hard situation.... I have been married for 8 months and when I got married I moved into an apartment that my husband and mother in law lived in for 3 months. I don't want to scare you but I want to be honest.... It is soo much better to get your own place. The money you save is...
  12. L

    Sharing Your Spouse.....???

    Thank you everyone for your responses!!! A quick update is my husband cut his work hours so now he works a normal 40-45 hours a week and we get more time together. I do miss some of my quite time ha ha but we can go to dinner at places other than Denny's and Norms (most places that are open late...
  13. L

    What did you do that was submissive?

    I just went a Bible study lately that talked about how submission is a heart issue and learning how to submit to God (desiring and pursuing His will over our own will). helps us to learn how to submit to others. Here are a few example from my life..... 1. My husband loves cars (he takes over...
  14. L

    Do YOU want to get pregnant 5 minutes after the wedding?

    This is a good question one that I have been struggling with for a couple of months. I have been married for almost 8 months and my dad is baby crazy, but my husband wants to wait about 2 years before we have kids so we can travel and have more time to have "alone time". I can understand the...
  15. L

    College and marriage

    As a current college student that recently got married I think it would be better to make a decision at the end of your 1st year of college. This may seem like a long time but so much happens during the 1st year of college and it is a year of transition. It can be hard to balance a new marriage...