Recent content by Leviishere

  1. Leviishere

    Did I lose the Holy Spirit?

    I have the same problem and question: Did God abandon ne? Holy Spirit abandon me? I think what you're looking for--like me--is a sure sign to solidify you're safe with God. Keep praying... Perhaps you'll get a sign or vision soon. I haven't yet, but I have faith I will.
  2. Leviishere

    Derealization and depersonalization

    How do you improve faith? How do you just throw your life into God's arms? How can one be certain He exists? These are problems I have. My faith isn't the very best. I wish it were though.
  3. Leviishere

    Thanks. I'm trying...

    Thanks. I'm trying...
  4. Leviishere

    Thank you, I needed to hear it.

    Thank you, I needed to hear it.
  5. Leviishere

    Derealization and depersonalization

    For about 6 weeks, I have had derealization and depersonalization constantly. It's like I'm in a fog and feel no emotion. I had some stress this year that brought it on. Anyone else have this? How do you cope? It can ve hard to feel God or any joy beneath this fog.
  6. Leviishere

    Spiritual warfare/ God changing my life?

    I've cried a few times. Is that a sign you're forgiven? Or stress? I feel as though He has forgiven me, but I found a passage in Proverbs...that makes me question Him: Proverbs 1:24-26 I didn't repent until I fell into this time of trouble. This verse and surrounding verses. Idk, maybe I'm...
  7. Leviishere

    Spiritual warfare/ God changing my life?

    In addition, I think what's really held me back from having faith are things like: Why did God let Hitler do what he did? Or why does God let misery happen? Children with cancer, so on... It has become a wall of division. But then again, I can't see the big picture... I feel I'm going...
  8. Leviishere

    Spiritual warfare/ God changing my life?

    I'll reveal more about the situation: I was into the occult for starters... Sexual sins and battling demons of lust. Was hooked on pills years ago because of stress and anxiety...mostly tranquilizers. I have done and said things I feel are unforgivable. The regret is strong, and I have landed...
  9. Leviishere

    Spiritual warfare/ God changing my life?

    My life was pretty bad, as I did things very wrong and sinful. I won't go into those things. Recently, I had a terrible bout of stress and fell into a dark time. Idk, something tells me it's order to bring me closer. I was frustrated and cussed God before, I'll admit. It's like...
  10. Leviishere

    Spiritual warfare/ God changing my life?

    Hi there, I'm new to this forum. My question is: Can God send a troublesome time upon you in order to draw you closer to Him? I am here looking for answers and just read the forum... Perhaps other people's experiences and questions. Thank you.
  11. Leviishere

    The Antichrist: An Alien?

    You give a person allot to think about. That's for sure.... ...... mind blowing ..... So, you think that this UFO will levitate upwards at some point? I thought the New Jerusalem was supposed to ascend down, not come up from the ground. Levi.
  12. Leviishere

    The Antichrist: An Alien?

    So, you don't believe Christ will reign on earth 1,000 years? You don't believe the Kingdom of God will be established here on earth at all? I want to see exactly what you believe, before I post scriptures backing up why I believe there will be a physical reign with Christ on earth.
  13. Leviishere

    The Antichrist: An Alien?

    I have already explained the LABEL "Anti Christ".... You're just looking for someone to argue with you. Look back and read what I typed out. No one owes you any explanation about what they believe. Take care, Levi.
  14. Leviishere

    The Antichrist: An Alien?

    I didn't say an AC will rule in the 21st Century. My personal belief, is that time will extend much further than the 21st Century. I have already explained the label "Anti Christ". I don't really care anymore how you perceive my logic. Only thing I'm saying, is keep an open mind about...