Recent content by Lenny3

  1. Lenny3

    Everyone goes to hell, right?

    Wow ... this is interesting. This is the first time I have ever read/heard a Christian claim that god is not all-powerful.
  2. Lenny3

    Everyone goes to hell, right?

    Above all else, Pascal's Wager fails on this point: What it you pick the wrong god? What if the real god doesn't want you to believe in him/her/it?
  3. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    Well, if thinking is childish to you, that's your prerogative.
  4. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    I think you're confusing knowledge with belief/faith.
  5. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    How is that saying Abraham lied? Abraham had great faith ... he didn't have divine knowledge.
  6. Lenny3

    Why Christianity?

    Thank you very much.
  7. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    ^ Thanks for proving my point.
  8. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    Could you do me a favor and link a passage that specifically says Abraham said he knew that God would not allow him to sacrifice Issac? I doubt it. This is a story of faith, not knowledge.
  9. Lenny3

    Why Christianity?

    Thank you again. Another excellent post.
  10. Lenny3

    Would Adam and Eve have died anyway? (moved)

    Yes. I said that Adam and Eve were set up to fail, not the plan.
  11. Lenny3

    Would Adam and Eve have died anyway? (moved)

    I think it was God's plan for them to have sinned in the first place. They were made to fail.
  12. Lenny3

    Why Christianity?

    Thank you. That was a very forthright post. I appreciate it. As you said, there are people of other religions that are just as enthralled in their religion as you are in yours. This is something that I've never been able to reconcile. Do you think that if you had been brought up in...
  13. Lenny3

    Why Christianity?

    OK, I don't want to misinterpret you, but are you saying that you follow Christianity not necessarily because it's the correct religion, but rather because it's the religion that you feel the most comfortable with?
  14. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    I suppose it was targeted more toward fundamentalists, but I didn't intend ridicule. I think the question works for anyone for different reasons based on differing perspectives.
  15. Lenny3

    If God Told You ...

    It's a hypothetical question. I didn't intend to infer any exclusivity.